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Goin' to pre-empt my claim, too. I've got a month's leave, and I'll follow him and marry that girl before he gets far. Bruddern and sistern, sing de ole six hundredth toon. Ahem! I wish I was a married man, A married man I'd be! An' ketch the grub fer both of us A-fishin' in the sea. Big fish, Little fish, It's all the same to me! I got a organ stop in my throat.

He got Shamberson on his side, and if Shamberson's brother-in-law hadn't been removed from the Land Office before it was tried, he'd a got it. I'm going to pre-empt and build the cutest little bird's nest for you. "If I was young and in my prime, I'd lead a different life, I'd save my money, and buy me a farm, Take Dinah for my wife. Oh! carry me back "Psha! Dat dah ain't de toon, bruddern. Ahem!

Such soulless, lost, degraded men and women did nowhere else exist. The divinity they never had; the human they had forgotten; they did no great wrongs, thieving, quarrelling, deceiving, but they failed to do any rights, and their worship was animal, and almost profane. They sang incongruous mixtures of hymns and field songs: "Oh! bruddern, watch an' pray, watch an' pray!

De niggers all prance in de doh, an' stand 'round de table, 'spressin' deyse'ves so proud of dem candles on sich a purty cake. Ole Zack stand at de haid an' say: 'Mah bruddern an' sistern, dis am a 'mentous 'ccasion!

I'se gwine to clasp in de th'oes of matermony dis heah couple, but 'foh I does we'll pernounce grace, takin' our tex' from dat po'tion of de Scripture whar Liza rid out de doh in a charity of fyah! Light de candles, bruddern! So dey all struck matches, jest lak one man, an' lit dem candles! "Lawd help us!" Aunt Timmie threw her apron over her face.