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Der Kevork spent much time in going from house to house, reading the Scriptures to the people, and exhorting them to obey the Gospel. At Broosa, the number of visitors at the house of the missionaries was increasing, and among them were two young teachers in the Armenian public school, who were specially interested in the subject of personal religion.

In the following year the Rev. Philander O. Powers joined Mr. Schneider, and the Rev. Henry A. Homes arrived at Constantinople. Such was the beginning of missionary efforts among the Armenians of Asia Minor. Broosa is situated in Bithyniâ, at the western base of Mount Olympus, and was the capital of the Turkish empire for one hundred and thirty years previous to the taking of Constantinople.

There were classes in the English, French, Italian, Armenian, Turkish, Ancient Greek, and Hebrew languages, and lectures on various branches of natural science, illustrated by apparatus. In 1834, the Rev. Messrs. John B. Adger, Benjamin Schneider, and Thomas P. Johnston, and their wives, joined the mission; the first taking up his abode at Smyrna, the second at Broosa, and the third at Trebizond.

On the 12th of August, between three and four thousand houses in Pera were consumed by fire, with the loss of several lives and an immense amount of property. The persecution had extended to Broosa and Trebizond; and at Erzroom, in ancient Armenia, where Mr.

But generally they were without fixed religious principles, and were ready to follow the lead of the men most able to favor their own advancement in office or emolument. Matteos, the newly appointed bishop of Broosa, was one of these.

And so terrific did it become, that in the space of ten days about one half of the Bible readers had recanted. Just at this juncture, a highly respected evangelical inhabitant of Trebizond, named Tateos, returned from a visit to Constantinople, Smyrna, Broosa, Nicomedia, and Adabazar, whither he had been to make the acquaintance of the missionaries and native brethren in those places.

While residing on the Bosphorus, he was a professed friend of the mission; and after his removal to Broosa, he expressed by letter the most friendly sentiments, and assured Mr. Schneider of his approbation of the school then recently established in that city.

Schneider, of Broosa, was then hailed with joy by all the evangelical brethren, and returned with the most delightful and cheering impressions. A spirit of inquiry had extended into many of the neighboring villages. The Rev. George W. Wood1 was transferred to this mission from Singapore in 1842, and was associated with Mr. Hamlin in the Seminary. The Rev.

There is evidence also, that, after the Greek revolution, they took advantage of the fact that nearly all the dragomen of foreign ministers at the Turkish court were Roman Catholics. The obstacles in the way of preaching the Gospel at Broosa, became so great as to make it a question whether the preachers ought not to go elsewhere.

As the result of subsequent discussions with the missionaries residing at Smyrna, Broosa, and Constantinople, it was decided to cease in great measure from labor among the Greeks; but that Dr. King ought to remain at Athens, his position and relations being peculiar, as will appear in the subsequent history. From that time, Dr.