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Boarham’s plain dark chariot; and there stood he upon the steps, carefully superintending the dislodging of his various boxes and packages. What a collection! One would have thought he projected a visit of six months at least. A considerable time after, came Lord Lowborough in his barouche. Is he one of the profligate friends, I wonder?

Huntingdon and my uncle, who, leaving the prudent sportsman to entertain the ladies with his medical discussions, sallied forth with their guns, bending their steps to the stables first, to have a look at the horses and let out the dogs. Not desirous of sharing Mr. Boarham’s company for the whole of the morning, I betook myself to the library, and there brought forth my easel and began to paint.

Wilmot’s, that he was a worthless old reprobate; and by Mr. Boarham’s, that he was not an agreeable companion; and by Mr. Huntingdon’s, that he was neither a fool nor a knave, though, possibly, neither a sage nor a saintbut that is no matter to me, as I am not likely to meet him againunless as an occasional partner in the ball-room.’ It was not so, however, for I met him again next morning.

He is come on a very important errandto ask your hand in marriage of your uncle and me.’ ‘I hope my uncle and you told him it was not in your power to give it. What right had he to ask any one before me?’ ‘Helen!’ ‘What did my uncle say?’ ‘He said he would not interfere in the matter; if you liked to accept Mr. Boarham’s obliging offer, you—’ ‘Did he say obliging offer?’

Sun shines outrain ceasedeven Boarham’s not afraid to venture in his waterproof boots; and Wilmot and I are going to beat you all. I declare, we old ’uns are the keenest sportsmen of the lot!’ ‘I’ll show you what I can do to-day, however,’ said my companion. ‘I’ll murder your birds by wholesale, just for keeping me away from better company than either you or them.’