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"If Sir Francis Clavering goes on in this way," Pendennis the elder thought, "this little tipsy rascal will be as bankrupt as his father and grandfather before him. The Begum's fortune can't stand such drains upon it: no fortune can stand them: she has paid his debts half-a-dozen times already. A few years more of the turf, and a few coups like this will ruin her."

Major Pendennis became the Begum's confidante and house-friend, and as a mother, a wife, and a capitalist, she consulted him. The poor lady, with tears of shame more than of grief in her eyes, told her version of her story. Going back a child to India after two years at a European school, she had met Amory, and foolishly married him.

She'll have a fair fortune I don't know how much but my uncle augurs everything from the Begum's generosity, and says that she will come down very handsomely. And I think Blanche is dev'lish fond of me," said Arthur, with a sigh. "That means that we accept her caresses and her money." "Haven't we said before that life was a transaction?" Pendennis said.

"He plays still; he is in a hell every night almost," Mr. Eales added. "I should think so, since his marriage," said a wag. "He gives devilish good dinners," said Foker, striking up for the honor of his host of yesterday. "I daresay, and I daresay he doesn't ask Eales," the wag said. "I say, Eales, do you dine at Clavering's at the Begum's?" "I dine there?" said Mr.

The brigade's guns were most actively engaged in battering the Begum's palace; and it was here, on the 12th, that Mr Garvey, mate, as he was riding fast on in front of a row of cohorns to deliver a message, and not perceiving that the quick-matches were alight, was struck dead by one of the shells. He was the second officer of the brigade killed, and a most promising young man.