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The critic triumphed, the legendary imitators were deservedly disregarded, and as undeservedly, their ill imitated models sank in this country into temporary neglect, while Burger and other able writers of Germany, were translating or imitating these Reliques, and composing, with the aid of inspiration thence derived, poems which are the delight of the German nation.

The finding of this important burial-place, which is exceeding rich in most interesting early Christian remains, is due to the energy and sagacity of Dr. Julius Burger, the young German specialist, who is rapidly taking the first place as an authority upon ancient Rome. Although the first to publish his discovery, it appears that a less fortunate adventurer had anticipated Dr. Burger.

"I won't interfere with your treasure-trove, but I should very much like to hear about it," he continued, while Burger very deliberately lit a cigar. "It is evidently a discovery of the first importance. These inscriptions will make a sensation throughout Europe." "For every one here there are a million there!" said the German.

"No, I don't mean it as a joke," said Burger, simply. "I am really rather interested in the details of the matter. I don't know much about the world and women and social life and that sort of thing, and such an incident has the fascination of the unknown for me. I know you, and I knew her by sight I had even spoken to her once or twice.

In every direction were the black openings of passages which radiated from this common centre. "I want you to follow me closely, my friend," said Burger. "Do not loiter to look at anything upon the way, for the place to which I will take you contains all that you can see, and more. It will save time for us to go there direct."

He put his hands out to push it back from him. "That will do, Burger," said he, "let's have the light again." But his companion began to laugh, and in that circular room the sound seemed to come from every side at once. "You seem uneasy, friend Kennedy," said he. "Go on, man, light the candle!" said Kennedy, impatiently.

Are you a painter?" "Nope. I'm not anything yet." Hildy looked at him. "Hmmm," she said. "I'm a mother. And a cook." "I think I could learn to cook," Patrick said. "Sure you could; it just takes practice and you have to love it. That's the secret ingredient. You have to love it. Patrick finished his burger, thanked Parker and Hildy, and walked down the road.

The stage direction in the MS. runs thus: "Enter 1 Burger, Vandermitten, Grotius." Vandermitten finally takes the place of 1 Burger and Grotius. Beneath, in the MS., is written the name of the actor who took the part, "Mr. Gough." In the right-hand margin are written the initials "R.T." It is unknown what actor was the owner of them.

He led the way down one of the corridors, and the Englishman followed closely at his heels. Every now and then the passage bifurcated, but Burger was evidently following some secret marks of his own, for he neither stopped nor hesitated. Everywhere along the walls, packed like the berths upon an emigrant ship, lay the Christians of old Rome.

"Precisely," said Burger. "If I had more time I should like to show you all the bodies which are buried in these niches upon the walls, for they are the early popes and bishops of the Church, with their mitres, their croziers, and full canonicals. Go over to that one and look at it!" Kennedy went across, and stared at the ghastly head which lay loosely on the shredded and mouldering mitre.