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"I forgot to say," added the inconspicuous man, "that the party he picked up on the road and brought back here looks like he might be a ball player himself." "Come in," repeated the largest director; "on a street-car!" "Looks to me," ventured the quiet director to the largest, "as if you didn't bluff him quite to death last night." "Aut'mobile!" said Breede. "Knew he had some one b'ind him."

"Joe ain't got no aut'mobile; there's the feller in there now who runs it," and the crowd turned my way with such interest that I turned to the little table and wrote the despatch, quite losing the connection of the subdued murmurs outside; but it was quite evident from the broken exclamations that my host was filling the populace up with information interesting inversely to its accuracy.

Where? When?" Laurie had not expected this. He realized now that he should have done so. His failure to take in the possibility of her going was part of his infernal optimism, of his inability even now to take her situation at its face-value. Sam was answering his questions: "'Bout eight, jes' after Henry went and I come on. An aut'mobile stop in front de do', an' dat man wid de eyes he come in.

"The man that borrowed our little aut'mobile truck and set off in it at a score down the mountain, the man with a queer blowpipe at the roots of his tongue, he told me that he had left two lassies up here on the lonely trail, with a badly hurt man.

"What'r given us?" "Git out " "You ain't got no aut'mobile," chorused the crowd. "Mebbe I haven't; but if you fellows know an aut'mobile from a hay rake, you might take a look in my big barn an' let me know what you see." "Say, Joe, you're jokin', hev you really got one?" "You can look for yourselves." "I saw one go through here 'bout six o'clock," interrupted a new-comer.

While waiting inside for the operator to finish selling tickets for the one evening train about to arrive, a curious crowd gathered outside about my host, and the questions asked were plainly audible; the names are fictitious. "What'r ye down t' the stashun fur this hur o' day, Joe?" "Broke my new aut'mobile," carelessly replied my host, flicking a fly off the nigh side of his horse. "Shu!"