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"He's walkin' white water," replied the old man. "Things going well?" "Damn poor," admitted Tally frankly. "That is to say, the Whitefish branch is off. There's trouble with the men. They're a mixed lot. Then there's old Meadows. He's assertin' his heaven-born rights some more. It's all right. We're on their backs. Other branches just about down."

Whereas: When Mother EVE got there, she made it slightly warm for Adam, by assertin' her rites. Like many of our members, she made Adam "walk chalk." On eleckshun day she took him by the ear and walked him to the poles, and for the first time in his life he voted the woman's rites ticket, and Mr. SATIN was elected by a unanimous vote.

"Just the cabin and my living in it all lonesome; enjoyin' it enjoyin' it too much. It's just what I've wanted. Everything's all as I planned. But I've bin thinkin', Gideon; thinking hard." "That ain't a new experience fer you, Kiddie," said Gid. "You was allus' a deep thinker. Guess it's the Injun blood in you assertin' itself. An' what's the matter wi' the cabin ter make you meditate an' worry?"

"Well, then," said the she-guide, "I'm in for assertin'. When my husband was alive there was a good many things I wanted to do, and when I wanted to do a thing or get a thing I kept on sayin' so; and one day, after I'd been keepin' on sayin' so a good while, he says to me, 'Jane, says he, 'it seems to me that you're persistin'. 'Yes, says I, 'I am, and I intend to be. 'Then you are goin' to keep on insistin' on persistin'? says he.

"I don't know any man but you," she said, "on whom I waste my words." "Is assertin' like persistin'?" inquired Mrs. Perkenpine at this point. "The two actions are somewhat alike," said Corona.