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'Oh, it's thet man again! said the lady, snorting and tossing her head. 'Not 'Arry? asked Liza, in surprise. 'Not 'Arry 'oo is it if it ain't 'Arry? The villin! 'Wot's 'e been doin', then? asked Liza again. 'Beatin' 'er, that's wot 'e's been doin'! Oh, the villin, 'e oughter be ashimed of 'isself 'e ought! 'I didn't know 'e was like that! said Liza. 'Didn't yer?

Stanley, she said, politely. 'The sime ter you, Mrs. Kemp. replied that lady, with equal courtesy. 'An' 'ow is your poor 'ead? asked Liza's mother, with sympathy. 'Oh, it's been achin' cruel. I've hardly known wot ter do with myself. 'I'm sure 'e ought ter be ashimed of 'imself for treatin' yer like thet. 'Oh, it wasn't 'is blows I minded so much, Mrs. Kemp, replied Mrs.

Jim turned on her once or twice and said: 'Shut up! But it only made her more angry. 'I tell yer I shan't shut up. I don't care 'oo knows it, you're a , you are! I'm ashimed the children should 'ave such a father as you. D'yer think I didn't know wot you was up ter them nights you was awy courtin', yus, courtin'? You're a nice man, you are! Jim did not answer her, but walked on.

Of course you'd 'ave liked ter tike 'er 'ome yerself, I know, an' leave me to shift for myself. 'Shut up! said Jim, angrily turning upon her. 'I shan't shut up, she answered, raising her voice. 'Nice 'usbind you are. Go' lumme, as good as they mike 'em! Nice thing ter go an' leave yer wife and children for a thing like thet! At your age, too! You oughter be ashimed of yerself.

Aren't yer ashimed of yerself, knockin' a woman abaht like that? And she sprang at him, seizing his fist. 'Let go, he said, 'or I'll give you a bit. 'Yer'd better not touch me, she said. 'Yer dirty coward! Why, look at 'er, she's almost senseless. Jim stopped and gazed at his wife. He got up and gave her a kick. 'Git up! he said; but she remained huddled up on the floor, moaning feebly.