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The only thing that can be relied upon to kill disease germs within the animal, is a counter-poison developed by the animal itself and known as anti-toxin. Such anti-toxins can be produced artificially and are used to combat certain diseases, as diphtheria and small-pox in human beings and blackleg in cattle.

I was shown in, and saw a short, stout gentleman, dressed in a cassock, and looking like a comfortable monk; but the keen eyes, steadfastly gazing straight into mine, told me of the power and subtlety hidden by the unprepossessing form. The head was fine and impressive, the voice low, penetrating, drilled into a somewhat monotonous and artificially subdued tone.

It has been found that simple electricity, artificially produced, and sent along the nerves of a dead body, excites muscular action.

Even the eighteenth century the century of rule and class, of objection to "the streaks of the tulip," of machine-made verse, etc., has, except in the case of letters artificially made to pattern, shown this signally. One last recommendation. A bad letter-writer is sure to betray himself almost everywhere, and letters are as a rule short.

In the forms of Greek lamps we have an example of artistic beauty not surpassed or equaled in modern time; but the mechanical contrivance for producing the light was poor and clumsy. Rome lighted herself artificially. She had her lamps and her torches and her chandeliers, as we see in the relics of Herculaneum and Pompeii.

As already said, the Commerce Clause has been found most available for purposes of such legislation. Other clauses have, however, served their turn. For example, the grant of power to lay taxes was utilized to destroy an extensive industry obnoxious to the dairy interests the manufacture of oleomargarine artificially colored to look like butter.

The naive literary construction of the plot was of no consequence to the reader who tasted a novel for the first time in his life. The naïveté of the plot was in keeping with the naive, artificially reproduced language of the prophet Isaiah and the biblical annals, which intensified the illusion of antiquity.

What I'm talking about what I'm trying to tell you, is the shock it was to me, when I got out of that artificially unworldly atmosphere of home for there's no use talking, it is artificial! to find that those pleasures aren't the ones that are considered important and essential. How did I find things in the real world?

Koppen, F.T., on the migratory locust. Koraks, marriage customs of. Kordofan, protuberances artificially produced by natives of. Korte, on the proportion of sexes in locusts; Russian locusts. Kovalevsky, A., on the affinity of the Ascidia to the Vertebrata. Kovalevsky, W., on the pugnacity of the male capercailzie; on the pairing of the capercailzie.

They wear no covering except ornaments of flowers, which on particular occasions are the work of much labour and ingenuity. The head-dresses of the dancing girls by profession, who are usually Javans, are very artificially wrought, and as high as any modern English lady's cap, yielding only to the feathered plumes of the year 1777.