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Lady Burton had the tomb fitted up with an altar and other accessories, so as to make it as much like a chapelle ardente as possible, while preserving its Eastern character. There was room in the tent for two coffins, those of her husband and herself.

In Spain, on the contrary, the condemned remains exposed during three days in a "chapelle ardente;" his coffin is continually before his eyes; the priests say the prayers for the dying; the bells of the church night and day ring a funeral knell.

Argenson, seeing that the Chambre Ardente was unsuccessful, applied to the King to constitute with special reference to this novel description of crime a tribunal armed with greater powers for tracking and punishing offenders.

We have a little business with monsieur here, and after that you can make this house another Chambre Ardente if you will."

This was on the very afternoon of the funeral, that would start for the Abbey after nightfall, and at Westminster I found a throng already gathered in the mud and murk. In the chambre ardente, which was hung with purple, a score of silver lamps depended from the roof around a tall purple canopy, under which the corpse reposed in its open coffin, flanked with six immense silver candelabra.

The "Powder of Inheritance." The Chambre Ardente. The Comtesse de Soissons's Arrest Decreed. The Marquise de Montespan Buys Her Superintendence of the Queen's Council. Madame de Soubise. Madame de Maintenon and the King.

And of course you know that it was at the Arsenal that the tribunal sat, under the suggestive name of chambre ardente, to deal with cases of sorcery and magic? 'I didn't, smiled Susie. 'I always think that these manuscripts and queer old books, which are the pride of our library, served in many an old trial.

At the period of the Voysins and the Brinvilliers, there were nothing but poisoners abroad; and against these, a court was expressly instituted, called ardente, because it condemned them to the flames.

Indeed, so wide and general was the practice of poisoning become, that the authorities, lately aroused to the fact by the sensational revelations of the Marchioness de Brinvilliers, had set up in this year 1670 the tribunal known as the Chambre Ardente to inquire into the matter, and to conduct prosecutions. La Voisin promised help to the Marchioness.

But how inferior are the Convention's Grands Jours to those of the Monarchy, and its Chambre Ardente to that of Louis XIV! The Revolutionary Tribunal is dominated by a sentiment of mean-spirited justice and common equality that will quickly make it odious and ridiculous and will disgust everybody.