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The "Powder of Inheritance." The Chambre Ardente. The Comtesse de Soissons's Arrest Decreed. The Marquise de Montespan Buys Her Superintendence of the Queen's Council. Madame de Soubise. Madame de Maintenon and the King.

Non credo io, no, che ardente fiamma Il cor ti avvampi." The ineffable grace of her action, simple without redundancy, her exquisite elocution, her deep yet controlled passion, and the magic of a voice thrilling even in a whisper this form of Phidias with the genius of Sophocles entirely enraptured a fastidious audience.

He led the way across the passage and went into the bedroom of the Marquise, where order had now been restored; the dead body had been removed to the library, which was transformed into a chapelle ardente, and two nuns were watching over it there. "Have a good look at this bolt," he said to M. de Presles. "Is there anything unusual about it?" "No," said the magistrate.

Stop at the threshold! This is a hall of judgment you are entering; the court is in session; and if you move five steps forward, you will be at its bar. There was a tribunal once in France, as you may remember, called the Chambre Ardente, the Burning Chamber. It was hung all round with lamps, and hence its name. The burning chamber for the trial of young maidens is the blazing ball-room.

At the appointed time she passed through the iron doors of the Sanctum Regnum. "Fear not!" said Albert Pike, and she advanced remplie d'une ardente allegresse, was greeted by the eleven prime chiefs, who presently retired, possibly for prayer or refreshments, possibly for operations in wire-pulling.

Olivier, brought before the Chambre Ardente, denied as Mademoiselle Scuderi learned with the utmost steadfastness the crime of which he was accused, and maintained that his master had been attacked in the street in his presence, and borne down, and that he had carried him home still alive, although he did not long survive. This agreed with Madelon's statement.