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With the utilization of heavy currents at low voltage it became necessary, of course, to devise apparatus which should be able to pick up with absolute certainty one thousand amperes of current at this pressure through two inches of mud, if necessary.

It is certain, however, that the solution does not work as well without it, nor does the addition of ammonium chloride in its stead give as fine a result. Some care is necessary in the management of the current, which should have a density of about 17 amperes per square foot of surface not much above or below.

This has an effect parallel to that of greatly increasing the electrode surface and also provides a most efficient means of stirring the solution. With such an apparatus the amperage may be increased to 5 or even 10 amperes and depositions completed with great rapidity and accuracy.

This is the size of tube generally used by amateurs for long distance continuous wave telegraphy. A single tube will develop 2 to 3 amperes in your aerial. The filament takes a 10 volt current and a plate potential of 1,000 volts is needed. A tube socket to fit it costs $2.50 extra. The Aerial Ammeter. This should read to 5 amperes and the cost is $6.25. The Grid Leak Resistance.

This is the same kind of a hot-wire ammeter already described in connection with the experimental set, but it reads to 5 amperes. The Grid and Blocking Condensers. Each of these is a fixed condenser of .002 mfd. capacitance and is rated to stand 3,000 volts. It is made like the aerial condenser but has only two terminals. It costs $2.00. The Key Circuit Apparatus.

The entire experiments have been effected with No. 2, which has a surface of two square meters. This apparatus, if charged to saturation, gives 62 ampere hours as its total capacity, and, as in the Plante, this capacity constantly increases with use. The normal rule for the charge is 10 amperes per square meter, and for the discharge double this quantity.

You have but to go into any of the modern central stations in midwinter, to see them turning out anywhere from 10,000 to 80,000 amperes with a minimum of labor, to appreciate the fact that central station business is of a permanent and lucrative character.

Taking it at 450, C = 53950/64600000.001 = 0.0000835 ampere, against the Professor's 50,000,000, amperes, and it would be equal to about 0.006 horse power, which I think would be the more correct of the two; calling E equal to 50,000 Daniell cells. Yours, Respectfully, Portland, Me., March 5, 1885. By Mr.

The only differences between this and the preceding transmitter are: the magnetic modulator, if you use one, should have an output of 3-1/2 to 5 amperes; you will need two 50 watt oscillator tubes with sockets; two 150 watt rectifier tubes with sockets; an aerial ammeter that reads to 5 amperes; three 1 mfd. filter condensers in parallel; two filter condensers of 1 mfd. capacitance that will stand 1750 volts; and a 300 milliampere filter reactor.

The current to be measured flowed through both coils in parallel circuit, the one representing its quantity expressible in amperes, and the other its potential expressible in volts. Their joint attractive action expressed therefore volt-amperes or watts, which were read off upon a scale of equal divisions. The lecture was illustrated by experiments, and by numerous diagrams and tables of results.