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They worshipped Baal of the Lebanon, who may well have been Adonis, and at Amathus on the south coast they instituted the rites of Adonis and Aphrodite, or rather Astarte. Here, as at Byblus, these rites resembled the Egyptian worship of Osiris so closely that some people even identified the Adonis of Amathus with Osiris.

Circumstances which led the Phoenicians to colonise Their colonies best grouped geographically 1. Colonies of the Eastern Mediterranean in Cyprus, Citium, Amathus, Curium, Paphos, Salamis, Ammochosta, Tamisus, and Soli; in Cilicia, Tarsus; in Lycia, Phaselis; in Rhodes, Lindus, Ialysus, Camirus; in Crete, and the Cyclades; in the Northern Egean; &c. 2.

It was worked up chiefly, so far as we know, into arms offensive and defensive. The sword of Alexander, which he received as a gift from the king of Citium, was doubtless in this metal, which is the material of a sword found at Amathus, and of numerous arrowheads.

The ships of three Cyprian kings Pnytagoras, king of Salamis, Androcles, king of Amathus, and Pasicrates, king of Curium were at once run down and sunk. Many others were disabled; the rest fled, pursued by the Tyrians, and sought to reach the shore. All would probably have been lost, had not Alexander returned from his tent earlier than usual, and witnessed the Tyrian attack.

The most remarkable tombs of this class are those found at Amathus, on the south coast of Cyprus, by General Di Cesnola. They lie at the depth of from forty to fifty-five feet below the surface of the soil, and are square chambers, built of huge stones, carefully squared, some of them twenty feet in length, nine in breadth, and three in thickness, and even averaging a length of fourteen feet.

Amathus is mine, high Paphos and Cythera, and my house of Idalia; here, far from arms, let him spend an inglorious life. Bid Carthage in high lordship rule Ausonia; there will be nothing there to check the Tyrian cities.

So these councils governed the people; the first was at Jerusalem, the second at Gadara, the third at Amathus, the fourth at Jericho, and the fifth at Sepphoris in Galilee. So the Jews were now freed from monarchic authority, and were governed by an aristocracy.

From the region where it summons them, its opposites are excluded. There ceases war; there ceases pain. There indeed intermingle the beautiful and glorious, but beauty purified from earthly sin, the glorious resting from earthly toil. Ask ye how to know on earth where love is really presiding? Not in Paphos, not in Amathus.

They were of a round shape, slightly convex, and instead of the ordinary boss, had a long projecting cone in the centre. An actual shield, with the cone perfect, was found by General Di Cesnola at Amathus, and a projection of the same kind is seen in several of the Sardinian bronze and terra-cotta statuettes.

The principal mines were in the southern mountain range, near Tamasus, but there were others also at Amathus, Soli, and Curium. Some of the old workings have been noticed by modern travellers, particularly near Soli and Tamasus, but they have neither been described anciently nor examined scientifically in modern times.