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"Sure you can. You mean to say you've never had brandy before? Why, down in Algia, our Chief " He stopped. Anketam didn't look at him. "Sure, Russ; sure. I'll bet Chief Samas gives a drink to his secretary, too, now and then." He turned around and winked. "But this stuff is for brain work, not farming." He knew Russat was embarrassed.

That is why she dances, to deceive everyone, not to make money. She is not as the other dancers. But everyone knows, for Batouch is mad with jealousy. He cannot bear that Algia should dance before strangers, but what can he do? A sheik must not have a scandal in his dwelling. "We walked on slowly.

He never left me long out of his sight in these outlandish places. "'That is the Batouch Sidi, the brother of the Caïd of Beni-Kouidar, he said. 'Algia, the dancer to whom Monsieur Henri has just given money, is his chère amie. But as the government has just made him a sheik, he dares not have her in his house for fear of the scandal. So he has put her with the dancers.

"He led me to the door, and pointed towards the great dune beyond the dancing-house. "I saw your friend this afternoon talking there with one whom it is especially unsafe to be seen with in Beni-Koujtlar. "'With whom? "'A dancer called Àlgia. "'Talking, monsieur! Marnier knows no Arabic. "The aumônier pursed his lips in his black beard.

They are hybrid names, half Greek, half Latin, with terminations in "itis," indicating the inflammatory condition, and in "algia," indicating pain. The doctor gives me all their names, together with a corresponding number of adjectives ending in "ic," which serve to characterise their detestable qualities.

"Well," I answered. "Algia danced that night. While she was dancing we found a dead body in the court. It was Marnier's. A knife had been thrust into him from behind!" "Ah!" said the doctor. "But " exclaimed young England, "it was that fellow? It was Batouch?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Nobody ever found out who did it." "Well, but of course "