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"Let us chew betel-nut for it is bad for us to talk when we do not know each other's names." "It is not my custom to chew betel-nut," said Aponibolinayen. "Then you learn," said Algaba. Not long after he made her chew and he gave to her. "Now, lady, whom I visit you tell your name first," he said. "No, because I am ashamed, as a woman to tell my name first."

"Why have I another ring?" she asked, and she caught the hand of Algaba for he wanted to take her. "Give me my ring. It is not good for you, for it looks like copper. Take your ring, for it is really gold," said Aponibolinayen. "No, this is good, for I did not take it from your finger. The spirits wanted it to come to my finger. Our rings are both gold, but they are different colors," he said.

"Excuse me for I was far from Kadalayapan and did not see; it is our custom for some of us to go to fight," said Algaba. "The best way to do, Aponitolau, is for you to go back with us to Kadalayapan," said Aponigawani. "If that is what you wish it is all right," he said. Not long after the balaua was finished and they took them to Kadalayapan.

"How wonderful are the people who live in Kadalayapan and Kaodanan, for they are relatives of Kaboniyan and they have power," said the women who were dipping water from the well. "You people who are dipping water, where is the trail which leads to the house of Algaba of Dagála?" they said. "Follow the head poles; they are along the road to his house," said the women who were dipping water.

Not long after they laid down their quids and they were rows of agate beads which have no holes. Algaba said, "It is good for us to be married." So they were married and they went to Dagála. As soon as they arrived in Dagála, "Mother," he said to his mother alan, "now we are going to take you to Kadalayapan, because I have found a wife." "No," said the alan, "we must first build balaua here."

Not long after they went and when they were in the middle of the way Algaba said, "Is it far yet?" "It is near now," they answered. "I use my power so that the sick woman, for whom they came to get fruit, will feel very ill and nearly die," said Algaba to himself. Not long after, truly they almost arrived.

Find way to Algaba's house by following the row of headbaskets, which reaches from the river to his dwelling. Defensive fence around the town is made up of boa constrictors, which sleep as they pass. Algaba seizes his spear and headaxe intending to kill the visitors, but weapons shed tears of oil. He takes other weapons, but they weep tears of blood. He then makes friends of the intruders.

Algaba seizes his spear and headaxe intending to kill the visitors, but weapons shed tears of oil. He takes other weapons, but they weep tears of blood. He then makes friends of the intruders. Learning their mission he refuses their gifts, but gets fruit and returns with them to their town. On way he uses magic and causes the death of Aponibolinayen.

When they arrived in Kadalayapan those who lived in the same town were surprised, for Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen were there. It is said. "I am anxious to eat the mango fruit which belongs to Algaba of Dagála," said Aponibolinayen. When she said this she was almost dying and she repeated it.

"What are you here for, you ask, and we came to buy the mango fruit for Aponibolinayen who is nearly dead." "It is good that you came here," said Algaba, but he was angry and the two men were frightened, and they did not eat much. As soon as they finished eating, "What do you want to pay?" said Algaba. They let him see the one earring of Aponibolinayen.