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"Once I ate a layer-cake. There was jam in it. I wouldn't care if it was apple jelly in it now I'd LIKE apple jelly in it now. Once I ate a pudding and a doughnut a-n-d a a I think it was a horse. I'd eat a horse now. Hush! Don't tell Aunt Olivia, but I'm going to eat to e-at Thom-as Jeffer " She swayed back on the pillows again.

'A-n-d' spells 'and. You pronounce it 'an'. 'I-n-g' spells 'ing. Sometimes you pronounce it 'ing' and sometimes you leave off the 'g. And then you slur by dropping initial letters and diphthongs. 'T-h-e-m' spells 'them. You pronounce it oh, well, it is not necessary to go over all of them. What you need is the grammar. I'll get one and show you how to begin."

Sharks and sawfish, men! are you going to let her broach? Now then! All together, a-n-d over she good heavens!" A barrel or two of brine hurled over the starboard quarter choked off the mate's adjurations. But it was the last of the angry combers and the next minute the three were wiping the salt water from their faces while the yawl was riding easily on the glassy swell just beyond the bar.

By this the audience were apparently unmoved, for it was only when the preacher paused to get his breath on some word on which he could dwell by reason of its vowels, like w-o-r-l-d or a-n-d, that he awoke any response from his hearers. The spiritual exercise of prayer which followed was even more of a physical demonstration, and it aroused more response.

So Effie ate her supper and then sat in her father's lap, and began to tell him all that I have told you; but before she had gone a great way, she was so sleepy that she couldn't tell any thing more, but kept saying, "And and and a-n-d a-n-d," till she fell fast asleep, and Mother Gilder put her to bed, and she did not wake up once more till the next morning.

By this the audience were apparently unmoved, for it was only when the preacher paused to get his breath on some word on which he could dwell by reason of its vowels, like w-o-r-l-d or a-n-d, that he awoke any response from his hearers. The spiritual exercise of prayer which followed was even more of a physical demonstration, and it aroused more response.