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He soon came in penitence to Gillott, who again took him by the hand, and befriended him until his untimely death in 1845, at the age of 33. At the sale of Mr. Gillott's pictures after his decease, Müller's celebrated picture, "The Chess Players," fetched the enormous sum of £3,950. The story of Mr.

The Sherifs who have ruled Morocco for more than 950 years were not chiefs of a party that considered the legality of their leadership a dogma; they owe their local Khalifate far more to the out-of-the-way position of their country which prevented Abbasids and Turks from meddling with their affairs.

The number of books returned to the shelves of the General Library from the Reading Rooms was 119,093; to those of the Royal Library, 11,252; to those of the Grenville Library, 387: to the closets in which the books are kept from day to day for the use of the readers, 110,950: making a total of 241,682, or 830 per diem. The Keeper of the MSS. has been busy cleaning, cataloguing, and stamping.

Eric was forced to flee. For some time he was in Northumberland; he fell in the west while freebooting, about A.D. 950. KING HACON, Athelstan's foster-son, long ruled over Norway; but in the latter part of his life Eric's sons came to Norway, and strove with him for the kingdom. They had battles together, wherein Hacon ever won the victory.

This regiment had made an undying place in the annals of Canadian history in the advance on Courcelette, having out of its 950 men but 66 men left intact when the roll was called after the battle, the balance being either killed or wounded. But they achieved their objective, Courcelette!

We cast anchor in the harbour of Lavalette at seven o'clock. During the whole of our journey from Alexandria the wind had been very unfavourable; the sea was frequently so agitated, that we could not walk across the deck without the assistance of a sailor. The distance from Alexandria via Syra to Malta is 950 sea-miles. We took eight days to accomplish this distance, landing only at Syra.

Russia comes second with 48,950 miles; Germany third, with 38,600 miles and Canada fourth with 37,437 miles. Russia is second with 537,208 miles; Germany is third with 475,551 miles; and France fourth with 452,192 miles. The total number of locomotives in the United States was 64,760; in Germany 29,520; in United Kingdom 24,718; in Russia 19,984; and in France 13,828.

Second, that at the time of the collision the Titanic was running at a high rate of speed. Third, that the accommodation for saving passengers and crew was totally inadequate, being sufficient only for a total of about 950. This gave, with the highest possible complement of 3400, a less than one in three chance of being saved in the case of accident.

By 1872 the city's population had grown to 950,000. Vanderbilt concluded that the time was fruitful to gather in a few more miles of the public streets. The Legislature was acquiescent. "But see," said the Legislature in effect, "how mindful of the public interests we have been. We have imposed a tax of five per cent, on all gross receipts above Seventy-ninth street."

Governor-in-Chief L 2,000 16 chief factors 12,000 35 chief traders 14,000 Clerks, about 10,000 L38,000 ======= "The following would probably prove a more efficient staff: Governor-in-Chief L 2,000 Lieutenant-Governor 1,250 4 councillors, at 800l 3,200 25 chief traders, at 300l 7,500 100 clerks, at various salaries, about 10,000 L23,950 =======