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But little disturbed by the insurrectionary movements of Pelagius, whose power was confined to the possession of some inaccessible mountain fortresses, Elzemah did not attempt to force him from his strongholds, but, impelled by the ardent desire of extending the Moorish conquests into France, with which the governors of Spain were ever inflamed, he passed the Pyrenees, and perished in a battle fought against Eudes, duke of Aquitania, A.D. 722, Heg. 104.

It is also a curious fact that throughout the Spring and Autumn, or Annals of the State of Lu, which extend from B.C. 722 to B.C. 484, there is no allusion of any kind to the interposition of God in human affairs, although a variety of natural phenomena are recorded, such as have always been regarded by primitive peoples as the direct acts of an angered or benevolent Deity.

At last, in B.C. 722, the town surrendered, or was taken by storm; but before this consummation had been reached, Shalmaneser's reign would seem to have come to an end in consequence of a successful revolution.

The Anglo-Saxon chronicler states, under the date 722 A.D.: "This year Queen Ethelburge overthrew Taunton, which Ina had before built." The buildings tell their story. We see a Norman keep built to the westward of Ina's earthwork, probably by Henry de Blois, Bishop of Winchester, the warlike brother of King Stephen.

In 1772, the old malt tax produced......... £722,023: 11: 11 The additional... £356,776: 7: In 1775, the old tax produced............... £561,627: 3: The additional... £278,650: 15: In 1774, the old tax produced ............ £624,614: 17: The additional....£310,745: 2: In 1775, the old tax produced ............£657,357: 0: The additional....£323,785: 12: £5,855,580: 12: Average of these four years .............. £958,895: 3: 0

There was a fresh manifestation of hatred. Jehu is enthroned in Israel and destroys the house of Ahab. This shatters the alliance between the two nations and causes a breach that is never healed. The northern kingdom becomes more and more idolatrous, suffers at the hands of the Syrians and is finally carried captive by the Assyrians in 722 B. C. The Messages of the Prophets of this Period.

His reign lasted from B.C. 722 to B.C. 705, and it was not until Sennacherib, his son and successor, had been seated for four years upon the throne that a reversal of this policy took place, and war a outrance was declared against the Phoenician king, who had ventured to brave, and had succeeded in baffling, Assyria more than twenty years previously.

He also wrote a work named "Spring and Autumn, or Chronicles of his Native State of Lu from 722 B.C., to 481 B.C." He "changed his world," as the Buddhists say, in the year 478 B.C., having lived seventy-three years. Primitive Chinese Faith. The pre-Confucian or primitive faith was monotheistic, the forefathers of the Chinese nation having been believers in one Supreme Spiritual Being.

Submarines fit for action 42 15,722 Tons " under construction 33 21,093 " " authorized and appropriated for 30 22,590 " Total 105 59,405 " In addition thirty-seven more had been authorized by Congress without the appropriation of money for them. By this time however these appropriations have been made together with further heavy ones.

It is surprising that Father Bougeant, after reading the DCCXVIIIth letter of Grotius, should contradict him so manifestly by placing this quarrel in 1639. Hist. l. 5. n. 5. Ep. 719. p. 304. Ep. 722. p. 305. P. 306. & epist. 395. p. 866. Ep. 919. p. 406. Grotius, notwithstanding his resolution to abstain from visiting Cardinal Richelieu, often paid his court to the King, and was well received.