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See Ep 954. p. 424. Ep. 960. p. 428. Ep. 974. p. 438. Ep. 976. p. 439. Ep. 976. p. 440. Ep. 982. p. 444. Ep. 993. p. 450. Ep. 1046. p. 472. Ep. 1111. p. 500. Ep. 1237. p. 560. Ep. 1263. p. 573. & 1301. p. 590. Bougeant l. 6. n. 32.

Father Bougeant repeats this passage with great complacency; but he would have done much better to have read Grotius's letters with attention, than to censure them without reason. By their assistance he might have rectified several dates in his work, which, otherwise, deserves the public esteem.

The negotiation not succeeding at Paris, it was transferred to Hamburg, to be managed by D'Avaux and Salvius; but as it was very coldly desired either by the French, the Swedes, or even by the Imperialists, the conditions could not be settled, and the project was dropt. Ep. 950. p. 421. Father Bougeant Hist. l. 5. n. 35, places this negotiation in 1639, in which he contradicts Grotius.

The Vice-Chancellor was the primum mobile of this great affair: Grotius was subordinate to him, and did him great service by the instructions which he sent him. Bougeant. l. 6. n. 38. Ep. 1440. p. 653. Ep. 1442. p. 654. Ep. 1472. p. 666. X. Cardinal Richelieu died the year after the renewal of the treaty of alliance between France and Sweden, on the 4th of December, 1642.

For this, Pere Bougeant is the best book you can read, as it takes in the thirty years' war, which preceded that treaty. The treaty itself, which is made a perpetual law of the empire, comes in the course of your lectures upon the 'Jus Publicum Imperii'.

The history of the treaty of Westphalia has been ably written by Father Bougeant, a French Jesuit: some critics have pronounced it the best historical work in the French language. Till the late revolution of France, it was the breviary of all French aspirants to political distinction. Subsequent History of Arminianism. 2. Grotius's Religious Sentiments. 3. His Projects of Religious Pacification.

Such is the exact portrait which Father Bougeant gives of the state of Germany. Let us hear what a cotemporary author says of it . "Fortune smiled on the Imperialists on every side.

Some time after, Christina sent him orders to inform the Queen of France of the reasons which obliged the Swedes to enter into a war with Denmark; which Grotius did accordingly at an audience in the beginning of June, 1644. Ep. 632. p. 946. Ep. 1611. p. 717. Bougeant, l. 8. p. 542. Ep. 1661. p. 721.

We have enlarged so much on this article, because Puffendorf, the author of Vindiciæ Grotianæ, and Father Bougeant have pretended that the Earl of Leicester only followed Grotius's example, in refusing to give the upper hand to Cardinal Richelieu; which they would not have advanced had they read with attention the Ambassador's letters.

For this, Pere Bougeant is the best book you can read, as it takes in the thirty years' war, which preceded that treaty. The treaty itself, which is made a perpetual law of the empire, comes in the course of your lectures upon the 'Jus Publicum Imperii'.