United States or United States Virgin Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

At the General Election of 1852 the votes for the City of Edinburgh stood thus: Mr Macaulay ...............1872 Mr Cowan ..................1754 The Lord Provost ..........1559 Mr Bruce ..................1066 Mr Campbell ............... 686

The balance in the Treasury on January 1 last was $6,358,686.18. The receipts from that day to the 30th of September last, as near as the returns of them yet received can show, amount to $16,886,581.32. The receipts of the present quarter, estimated at $4,515,000, added to the above form an aggregate of $21,400,000 of receipts.

Or in actual numbers: 1850, 405,751 mulattoes. 1860, 588,352 mulattoes. 1870, 585,601 mulattoes. 1890, 1,132,060 mulattoes. 1910, 2,050,686 mulattoes. Cf. "The Spanish Jurist Solorzaris," quoted in Helps: Spanish Conquest, IV, 381. Hurd: Law of Freedom and Bondage.

It excited, however, no small surprise, that the general, while he thus professed to espouse the defence of the parliament, cashiered all the officers introduced by the parliament into his army, and restored all those who had been expelled. The more discerning began to suspect his real intentions; but Hazlerig and his party were too Clar. Whitelock, 686, 689, 691. Price, 736, 743.

The very relations of the senate to Crassus and his clients point in this direction; but a better understanding between the senate and the moneyed aristocracy seems to have been chiefly brought about by the fact, that in 686 the senate withdrew from Lucius Lucullus the ablest of the senatorial officers, at the instance of the capitalists whom he had sorely annoyed, the dministration of the province of Asia so important for their purposes.

The value of our exports during the fiscal year 1892 reached the highest figure in the history of the Government, amounting to $1,030,278,148, exceeding by $145,797,338 the exports of 1891 and exceeding the value of the imports by $202,875,686.

They are perhaps the best index of the present economic position of the United States in relation to the other countries of the world. The wheat crop of the world in 1916 was 3,701.3 million bushels. Russia, including Siberia, was the leading producer with 686.3 million bushels. The United States was second with 636.7 million bushels or 17 per cent of the world's output.

This picture was always one of the most esteemed of those in the churches at Rome. It was the altar-piece of the church of St. Remuald in that city. N deg. 676. Air. Water. Earth. In the Gallery are twenty-nine pictures of this master, and all of them graceful; but the preceding four, representing the elements, which were taken from the royal Cabinet of Turin, are the most remarkable. N deg. 686.

Richard fled into Germany, and afterwards died in Lucca, a city of Tuscany. Lothaire reigned eleven years; Edric, his successor, only two. Upon the death of the latter, which happened in 686, Widred, his brother, obtained possession of the crown.

Loudly had the multitude rejoiced, when in 686 Gaius Caesar ventured in spite of the prohibitions publicly to show the honoured features of the hero in the Forum at the interment of the widow of Marius.