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This, he says, he did 418 years after the time that they had been carried captive from Ekallâte to Babylon by Marduknadinakhi. We know nothing more of this Ekallâte except that it lay in Assyria, probably in the southern half, and that Ramman and Shala are called the gods of the city. It is possible that Shala, likewise, being a name of so indefinite a character, was applied to other goddesses.

A hunter named Bledsoe; Collins, II., 418. Carr's "Early Times in Middle Tennessee," pp. 52, 54, 56, etc. The hunter Bledsoe mentioned in a previous note. As Haywood, 81. This continued to be the case until the buffalo were all destroyed.

This work was published in 1774. Johnson said of Campbell: 'I am afraid he has not been in the inside of a church for many years; but he never passes a church without pulling off his hat. This shows that he has good principles. Ante, i. 418. New horse-shoeing Husbandry, by Jethro Tull, 1733. 'He owned he sometimes talked for victory. Ante, iv. 111, and v. 17.

No. 100, pp. 186-7. House Exec. Doc. No. 100, pp. 187-190, Thirty-seventh Cong., Second Sess. Brit. and For. St. Pap., Vol. LII. p. 394. House Exec. Doc. No. 100, p. 174, Thirty-seventh Cong., Second Sess. Brit. and For. St. Pap., Vol. LII, p. 381. Adams to Seward, January 24, 1862. House Ex. Doc. No. 100 p. 206, Thirty-seventh Cong., Second Sess. Brit. and For. St. Pap., Vol. LII, p. 418. H. Ex.

In 1862, English took from Spain 156 tons; 1863, 18,074 tons; 1866, 66,913 tons; 1868, 95,000 tons; and the import of rags fell from 24,000 tons in 1866 to 17,000 tons in 1668. The British Consul estimates the receipts from this monopoly for the year 1866-7 at $8,418,939, after an expenditure of $4,519,866; thus leaving a clear profit of $3,899,073.

Spain, thus reconquered, was nominally subject to Rome, but soon became really independent, and began to be the seat of a Christian civilization. This West-Gothic kingdom lasted for about three centuries, from 418 to 711, when it fell before the Moorish invasion.

The young prince appears to have done his best; but the Armenians were obstinate, resisted his blandishments, and remained Christians in spite of all his efforts. He reigned from A.D. 414 to 418, at the end of which time, learning that his father had fallen into ill health, he quitted Armenia and returned to the Persian court, in order to press his claims to the succession.

The time is about 418 A.D.; the place, a monastery in Bethlehem, near the cave of the Nativity. In a lonely cell, within these monastic walls, we shall find the man we seek. He is so old and feeble that he has to be raised in his bed by means of a cord affixed to the ceiling. He spends his time chiefly in reciting prayers. His voice, once clear and resonant, sinks now to a whisper.

The Lacedaemonians now found it necessary to act with more vigour; and accordingly in B.C. 418 they assembled a very large army, under the command of the Spartan king, Agis. A decisive battle was fought near Mantinea, in which Agis gained a brilliant victory over the Argives and their allies.

"State your name and occupation, please," said the State's attorney, advancing a few paces toward the witness stand. "My name is Crittenden Yollop. I am in the millinery business." The State: "Where do you reside?" Yollop: "418 Sagamore Terrace." The State: "In an apartment?" Yollop: "A little louder, if you please." The State, raising its voice: "Repeat the question, Mr. Stenographer."