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As time went on The General published Orders and Regulations for Soldiers, a booklet of 164 pages, and perhaps as complete a handbook for the direction of every department of life, public and private, as was ever written; Orders and Regulations for Field Officers, containing 626 pages of the minutest directions for every branch of the Work; and Orders and Regulation's for Staff Officers, the most extraordinary directory for the management of missionaries and missionary affairs that could well be packed in 357 pages.

Born in Athens about 430 B.C.; died after 357; celebrated as historian and essayist, being a disciple of Socrates; joined the expedition of Cyrus the Younger in 401, and after the battle of Cunaxa became the chief leader of ten thousand Greeks in their march to the Black Sea, the story being chronicled in his famous "Anabasis"; fought on the Spartan side in the battle of Coronea; banished from Athens, he settled at Scillus in Eleia; spent his last years in Corinth; among his writings besides the "Anabasis" are the "Hellenica," "Cycropædia," "Memorabilia of Socrates," and essays on hunting and horsemanship.

Post, July 3, 1778. Three months earlier Johnson wrote to Mrs. Thrale: 'We are not far from the great year of a hundred thousand barrels, which, if three shillings be gained upon each barrel, will bring us fifteen thousand pounds a year. Piozzi Letters, i. 357. We may see how here, as elsewhere, he makes himself almost one with the Thrales. See ante, p. 97. Mrs. Aston.

Altogether the Indians at this time, according to the official count, numbered 1,594 men, 1,357 women, and 993 children, a total of 3,944, with 150 Negro men and 650 Negro women and children.

* Winsor's "Narrative and Critical History of America", vol. V, p. 357. The Savannah and Altamaha rivers and the wide and deep lands between fell in that grant of Charles II's to the eight Lords Proprietors of Carolina Albemarle, Clarendon, and the rest. But this region remained as yet unpeopled save by copper-hued folk.

The whole delusion of the Anti-Trinitarians arises out of this, that they apply the property of imaginable matter in which A. is, that is, can only be imagined, by exclusion of B. as the universal predicate of all substantial being. Ib. p. 357. And our English Unitarians have been still refining upon the Socinian scheme, and have brought it still nearer to Sabellianism.

For weeks we had remained on the 67th parallel, and it seemed as though some obstruction was preventing us from passing it. By this amazing leap, however, we had crossed the Antarctic Circle, and were now 146 miles from the nearest land to the west of us Snow Hill and 357 miles from the South Orkneys, the first land directly to the north of us.

Wraxall, vol. v. pp. 356, 357. Abraham-Nicolas Amelot de la Houssaye, was born at Orleans in the year 1634, and passed nearly all his life in composing works of history and in translating the historians by whom he had been preceded.

If the soldiers connived at the escape of Athanasius, they were all the less disposed to spare his flock. The outrages of Philagrius and Gregory were repeated by Syrianus and his successor, Sebastian the Manichee; and the evil work went on apace after the arrival of the new bishop in Lent 357.

"La Marck et Mirabeau," p. 32. See his letter to Lord North proposing peace, date December 1st, 1780. "Gustave III. et la Cour de France," i., p. 357. Chambrier, i., p. 430; "Gustave III.," etc., i., p. 353. "Gustave III.," etc., i., p. 353. "Mémoires de Weber," i., p. 50. "On s'arrêtait dans les rues, on se parlait sans se connaître." Madame de Campan, ch. ix. L'Oeil de Boeuf.