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Quantifying volatility has yielded an equal number of Nobel prizes and controversies. The vacillation of security prices is often measured by a coefficient of variation within the Black-Scholes formula published in 1973. Volatility is implicitly defined as the standard deviation of the yield of an asset. The value of an option increases with volatility.

Working together the Congress, the President and the people I am confident that we can translate these proposals into an action program that can reform and revitalize American Government and, even more important, build a better life for all Americans. The White House, February 2, 1973. State of the Union Address Richard Nixon January 30, 1974 Mr. Speaker, Mr.

Working together the Congress, the President and the people I am confident that we can translate these proposals into an action program that can reform and revitalize American Government and, even more important, build a better life for all Americans. The White House, February 2, 1973. State of the Union Address Richard Nixon January 30, 1974 Mr. Speaker, Mr.

Because our resources are not infinite, we also face a critical choice in 1973 between holding the line in Government spending and adopting expensive programs which will surely force up taxes and refuel inflation. Finally, it is vital at this time that we restore a greater sense of responsibility at the State and local level, and among individual Americans.

But in all honesty, we cannot put all of the blame on the oil-exporting nations. We, the United States, are not blameless. Our growing dependence upon foreign sources has been adding to our vulnerability for years and years, and we did nothing to prepare ourselves for such an event as the embargo of 1973.

That is why my call upon the Congress today is for a high statesmanship, so that in the years to come Americans will look back and say because it withstood the intense pressures of a political year, and achieved such great good for the American people and for the future of this Nation, this was truly a great Congress. State of the Union Address Richard Nixon February 2, 1973

Soon afterwards he defined Project Gutenberg's mission: to put at everyone's disposal, in electronic versions, as many literary works of the public domain as possible for free. In 1973, Michael typed in the full text of The United States Constitution. Michael began typing in the Bible, because the individual books of the Bible could be processed separately as different files.

At home, we have learned that by working together we can create prosperity without fanning inflation; we can restore order without weakening freedom. These first years of the 1970s have been good years for America. Our job all of us together is to make 1973 and the years to come even better ones. I believe that we can.

And I want you to know that I have no intention whatever of ever walking away from the job that the people elected me to do for the people of the United States. Now, needless to say, it would be understatement if I were not to admit that the year 1973 was not a very easy year for me personally or for my family.

That is why my call upon the Congress today is for a high statesmanship, so that in the years to come Americans will look back and say because it withstood the intense pressures of a political year, and achieved such great good for the American people and for the future of this Nation, this was truly a great Congress. State of the Union Address Richard Nixon February 2, 1973