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Port Angeles Village and the Indian Ranch. A "Ship's Klootchman." Indian Muck-a-Muck. Disposition of an Old Indian Woman. A Windy Trip to Victoria. The Black Tamáhnous. McDonald's in the Wilderness. The Wild Cowlitz. Up the River during a Flood. Indian Boatmen. Birch-Bark and Cedar Canoes. EDIZ HOOK, October 21, 1866. We are making a visit at the end of Ediz Hook.

I am not a bit superstitious don't believe in signs or presentiments or prenothings but when I went to get my pay on the 14th day of December, 1866, it gave me a little start to find in it the bill bearing the chromo of the Goddess of Liberty with the little three-cornered piece of court-plaster that Dillon had put on her wind-pipe.

The treaty of 1854 was to continue for ten years, with the right of termination upon twelve months' notice by either party. It was terminated on the 17th of March, 1866, upon notice given by the United States one year before. By the abrogation of this treaty our fishery rights were again, through our own unwise concession, subjected to the provisions of the treaty of 1818.

Without doubt, there was always an abundance of good sound food. Further, the men were well-armed. All military authorities are agreed, I believe, that the Chassepot rifle invented in or about 1866 was superior to the Dreyse needle-gun, which was in use in the Prussian army.

James's Hall The Tribune of the People Vindicates the Queen. I did not know, when I arrived in Leeds one wintry day in the beginning of 1866, how long my connection with that town was to last, and how closely I was to become associated with its public life. Beyond one or two members of the Mercury staff, I knew nobody in Leeds, so that once more I found myself amongst strangers.

A large proportion of her population is anti-German, or at least non-German, and Italy is always subject to be tempted by an opportunity of obtaining some of Austria-Hungary's Adriatic possessions. Moreover, a large party is even now to be found in Austria-Hungary which desires revenge for the humiliation of her defeat by Germany in 1866.

Darwin of Lamarck's work; and even Erasmus Darwin is mentioned inaccurately but still he is mentioned. Professor Haeckel says: Later on, after giving nearly a hundred pages to the works of the early evolutionists pages that would certainly disquiet the sensitive writer who had cut out the "my" which disappeared in 1866- -he continued:

Fort Morgan, Wyo., not far from Sidney, Wyo., established May, 1865, abandoned May, 1868. Fort D. A. Russell, near Cheyenne, Wyo., established July, 1867, still occupied as an army post. Fort Sanders, Wyo., near Laramie, established June, 1866. Fort Fred Steele, fifteen miles east of Rawlins, established June, 1868. Fort Halleck, twenty-two miles west of Medicine Bow, abandoned 1866.

At a panic, when all other deposits are likely to be taken away, the bankers' deposits, augment; in fact they did so in 1866, though we do not know the particulars; and it is natural that they should so increase.

'Sir I beg respectfully to call your attention to the following statement. In 1866, Judge Longfield conveyed to my uncle, under what was called an indefeasible title, the lands of Inch East, Ardroe and Inch Island, and previous to the sale, Judge Longfield caused them to be valued by Messrs.