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The earliest portion of the existing church, the crypt, is that of a timber-roofed structure burned in 1020. It was erected early in the eleventh century by Fulbert, the famous Bishop of Chartres, also remembered possibly revered as being the prolific letter-writer of his time.

In 1020 the Abbot of Ramsey obtained permission to move them to his abbey; and while he was doing this, the monks of Ely set out with the intention of intercepting the convoy and securing the body for their own church. A dense fog prevented the Ely men from reaching the monks of Ramsey. "Annals of England," i., p. 115.

He flourished in the year of our redemption, 1020, under Canute the Dane. Hakluyt, II. 39. The Voyage of Swanus to Jerusalem in 1052 . Swanus or Sweno, one of the sons of Earl Godwin, being of a perverse disposition, and faithless to the king, often quarrelled with his father and his brother Harold; and, becoming a pirate, he disgraced the virtues of his ancestors, by his robberies on the seas.

+1020+. In many cases efficacy is attached by savages to singing the word "sing" is used as equivalent to "exert power in a superhuman way." It is not the musical part of this procedure that is effective the singing is simply the natural tendency of early man the power lies in the words which may be regarded as charms.

Peter became a throne of almost absolute supremacy. This mighty pontiff, Gregory VII, whose real name, Hildebrand, indicates his German descent, was born the son of a carpenter in Tuscany, about 1020. He became a monk of the Benedictine order, and was educated at the abbey of Cluny in France.

To supply men and animals with daily food, and to accumulate on the spot twenty-five days' provisions and supplies of military stores for the further advance to the Vaal, there had to be brought daily to Bloemfontein, besides the reinforcements of men, 1020 tons by a single-track railroad on which many bridges had been destroyed.

As a man he no longer lives, but his thunderbolts are perpetual powers, since they still alarm the fears of men. Still, his personal history is not uninteresting. Born of humble parents in Italy in the year 1020, the son of a carpenter, he rose by genius and virtue to the highest offices and dignities.

But the larger bones, with the remaining dust, were collected in a leaden coffer, and deposited at the altar of St. Martin." Queen Ediva, as we learn from the same authority, "who before the fire reposed under a gilted feretrum in nearly the middle of the south cross, was now deposited at the altar of St. Martin, under the feretrum of Living," an archbishop who died in 1020.

Whereupon he began his iourney, and went to Ierusalem a witnesse of the miracles, preaching, and passion of Christ, and being againe returned into his countrey, he was made the aforesayd Abbat. He flourished in the yeere of Christ 1020. under Canutus the Dane.

During nearly half a century, from about 1060 to 1020 B.C., Babylon seems to have recovered the upper hand.