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For this experimental continuous wave telegraph transmitter get the following pieces of apparatus: one single coil tuner with three clips; one .002 mfd. fixed condenser; three .001 mfd. condensers; one adjustable grid leak; one hot-wire ammeter; one buzzer; one dry cell; one telegraph key; one 100 volt plate vacuum tube amplifier; one 6 volt storage battery; one rheostat; one oscillation choke coil; one panel cut-out with a single-throw, double-pole switch, and a pair of fuse sockets on it.

Intermediate Wave Set With Loading Coils. For this intermediate wave set you can use either of the short-wave sets described in the foregoing chapter. Approximate Wave Length in Meters in Millihenries Inductance .001 mfd. Variable Mounted Appx. Air Condenser. on Plug These and other kinds of compact coils can be bought at electrical supply houses that sell wireless goods.

And the answer is that they are both equally entitled to him; for it is as much a tie as if each party has the support of 10,000 electors in a single-seat electorate. But if the minority had the support of 49,999 electors, or one elector less, it would be entitled to only two senators, and if it had the support of 50,001 electors, or one elector more, it would be entitled to three senators.

The parts you need for this set include: one variocoupler; one .001 microfarad variable condenser; one .0005 microfarad variable condenser; one .0007 microfarad variable condenser; one 2 megohm grid leak; one vacuum tube detector; one 6 volt A battery; one 6 ohm, 1-1/2 ampere rheostat; one 200 ohm potentiometer; one 22-1/2 volt B battery; one .001 microfarad fixed condenser, one pair of 2,000 ohm headphones, and a variometer.

The last Hawaiian census, taken in the year 1896, gives a total population of 109,020, Of Which 31,019 were native Hawaiians. The number of Americans reported was 8,485. The results of the Federal census, taken this year, show the islands to have a total population Of 154,001, showing an increase over that reported in 1896 of 44,981, or 41.2 per cent.

The circulation per capita has increased about $5 during the time covered by the table referred to. The total coinage of silver dollars was on November 1, 1889, $343,638,001, of which $283,539,521 were in the Treasury vaults and $60,098,480 were in circulation.

And if we estimate the probability of each great change at .001, which is doubtless still too high, the probability that man took these 8 great steps of evolution is one out of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or a million, million, million, million.

One hundred and forty-six neutral craft were sunk, whose tonnage reached 293,375, while sailing vessels to the number of forty-two, with a tonnage of 24,001, were lost. Germany's methods cost innocent bystanders among the nations almost one-fifth of the damage done to her foes' commercial fleets.

To judge by the ornaments shown him, the total dowry would be barely half as much and he could not help expressing disappointment. On asking Kumodini Babu what he intended paying down in cash, and learning that Rs. 1,001 was all he could afford, Amarendra Babu's indignation knew no bounds. He demanded Rs. 5,000, declaring that if it were not paid on the nail, he would take his son away!

He told Jogesh that he should be quite satisfied with Rs. 4,001, viz., ornaments 2,000, barabharan and phulsajya Rs. 500 each, and cash Rs. 1,001. They then separated with many protestations of mutual good-will. Meantime Jogesh made minute inquiries as to Amarendra Babu's position and the health of his son.