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The walnut, with the blight of dry weeks thrown off, had freshened its leafage into renewed vigour and though its scar was fresh and raw, its vital stalwartness was that of a veteran who has once more triumphed over his wounding.

The tallest of the five was a large-boned, muscular man, nearly six feet high. The sleeve rolled up above the elbow showed an arm that was likely to win the prize for feats of strength; yet the long, supple hand, with its broad finger tips, looked ready for works of skill. In his tall stalwartness Adam Bede was a Saxon, and justified his name.

I hold on boughs or slender trees caressingly there in the sun and shade, wrestle with their innocent stalwartness and know the virtue thereof passes from them into me. Why would any intrusion, even from people I like, spoil the charm? But am I alone?

In his tall stalwartness Adam Bede was a Saxon, and justified his name; but the jet-black hair, made the more noticeable by its contrast with the light paper cap, and the keen glance of the dark eyes that shone from under strongly marked, prominent and mobile eyebrows, indicated a mixture of Celtic blood.

Evidently the text of the sermon was not chosen that it might have some association with Phil's death, but there was a kind of simple grandeur, and certainly cheerful stalwartness, in his interpretation and practical rendering of the text: "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? . . . travelling in the greatness of his strength?

Kipling's likeness: in his youthful precocity he was twenty-five when he wrote his Metamorphoses; in his daring as an innovator; in his manly stalwartness in dealing with the calamities of life; in his adventurous note of world-wideness and realistic method of handling the improbable and uncanny.

Until spring answered her question, Dorothy reflected, she could only guess how deep the blight, which she had discovered in the fall, had struck at the robustness of the old tree's life. For all its stalwartness its life had already been long, and if it should die she closed her eyes as though to shut out a horror, and a shudder ran through her body.

Evidently the text of the sermon was not chosen that it might have some association with Phil's death, but there was a kind of simple grandeur, and certainly cheerful stalwartness, in his interpretation and practical rendering of the text: "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? ... travelling in the greatness of his strength?

There is n't any use denying it" there had come to the surface the inherent honor that is in every metal miner, a stalwartness that may lie dormant, but that, sooner or later, must rise. There is something about taking wealth from the earth that is clean.

Already its breath is hot upon the wax image on the hearth. But the image is round of limb and sound. Yes, though it is but toy-large, it is perfect and firm! See how it stands in the red shine: the image of a man, cunningly made to show his stalwartness and strength and bravery of velvet and lace! The image of a great man, surely; one high in place and power.