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I put them on, not heeding them much, for I was half tipsy with the excitement of the ci of the smo of what had taken place in Dawdley's study, and with the Maraschino and the eau-de-Cologue I had drunk. "What a fine odor of lavender-water!" said Dawdley, as we rode in the carriage. I put my head out of the window and shrieked out a laugh; but made no other reply.

An' aw'm glad yo're theer, sir; for William he towd mo to stay till he coom back; but aw've not geet so mich time to spare; and so be's yo're a friend ov th' maister's, yo'll mebbe mind th' shop a smo' bit. War. I say, old man your name's Thomas Pearson ain't it? Tho. Yigh. Aw yer. But hea cooms to to knaw mo name? War. I know all about you. Tho. Ivvery body knaws ivvery body yere!

If they'd taen my advice, an' stick't to th' bass fiddle, aw could ha stopt that ony minute. It has made me puff, carryin' that thing. I never once thought that it 'd start again at after th' hymn wur done. Eh, I wur some mad! If aw'd had a shool-full o' smo' coals i' my hond, aw'd hachuck't 'em into't.... Yer, tho', how it's grindin' away just th' same as nought wur.

You trusted the wrong people, then. Tho. It taks no mak o' a warlock to tell mo that, maister. It's smo' comfort, noather. War. Well now, you give me a turn, and hear what I've got to say. Tho. Yo're o' tarred wi' th' same stick. Ivvery body maks gam ov th' poor owd mon! Let me goo, maister. Aw want mo chylt, mo Mattie! War. You must wait till Mr. Gervaise's man comes back. Tho.

Aw're only a bit stonned, like. Aw'll be o' reet in a smo' bit. Aw dunnot want no doctor. Aw'm a coomin' reawnd. Ger. Neither of you shall stir to-night. Your rooms will be ready in a few minutes. Mat. Thank you, sir! I don't know what I should have done with him. Susan, you wouldn't mind going home without me? You know Miss Lacordere Ger. Miss Lacordere! What do you know of her? Mat. Oh, dear!

The number of his cellar was 8, and he had cut out a large tin figure of 8, a foot long, and nailed it upon his door, for the benefit of some of his friends that were getting bad in their eyesight, and "couldn't read smo' print so low deawn as that." "Well, John," said my companion, when we went in, "how are you getting on?"