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The Ninth bore no conspicuous part, hovering on the extreme right flank, engaged in continuous skirmishing, and scouting along miles of front.

We had met with a strong skirmishing resistance, for Johnston was manifestly unwilling to give up the control of the road we had crossed.

The enemy had, at present, made no reply whatever to the fire of the sentries. "Advance slowly, in skirmishing order," De Maupas said. "One flank of the company oppose each column. Open fire at once, sight for seven hundred yards, take advantage of cover, and fire steadily."

Max had been wise enough to look out for this when skirmishing around in that abandoned cabin belonging to Mrs. Jacobus. "Will we have to keep any sort of watch, d'ye think, Max?" Bandy-legs asked, after the girls had crawled beneath the rustic shelter, and amid more or less laughter made themselves fairly comfortable. Max smiled.

The artillery horses had been taken down as usual to water, and some companies had even fallen in for skirmishing drill, when the curtain of the morning mist upon the higher ground was raised to the first scene in the Natal drama.

Following his customary practice, Mosby made a crossing at another point and raided into Maryland as far as Adamstown, skirmishing and picking up a few prisoners and horses. Early's invasion of Maryland, followed as it was by McCausland's sack of Chambersburg, was simply too much for the Union command.

Instead of keeping the formation in which we started off, those in the rear began to overtake the men in front and, rather than disobey the order to keep wide intervals, to extend down the face of the hill, so that within fifteen minutes we were in wide-spaced skirmishing order.

It was at one time quite doubtful whether they would succeed in making good their retreat to Ascalon. The Saracen horsemen hovered in great numbers on the rear of Richard's army, and made incessant skirmishing attacks upon them. Richard placed a strong body of the Knights of St. John there to keep them off. These knights were well armed, and they were brave and well-trained warriors.

They crossed the channel between the island and main-land during Saturday, the 14th of January, by a pontoon- bridge, and marched out to Garden's Corners, where there was some light skirmishing; the next day, Sunday, they continued on to Pocotaligo, finding the strong fort there abandoned, and accordingly made a lodgment on the railroad, having lost only two officers and eight men.

The Grenadiers threw forward across the plain in skirmishing order. "Looks like business," muttered the Parson, tucking in his shirt. "What's it going to be?" He had not long to wait. The Gentleman vaulted the wall, and came swiftly across the grass towards them. He came rapidly across the lawn, the sun upon him. Kit thought him the fairest figure of a man he had ever seen.