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The larger treatises with costly illustrations appear in the Smithsonian Contributions, in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, in those of the Academy of Natural Sciences, and in the Memoirs of the American Academy; while the smaller communications find a place in Silliman's Journal, in the Journal of the Boston Natural History Society, and in the proceedings of other scientific societies.

Essay on New Spain," volume i., page 62. Santa Cruz and Barbadoes, Prof. Hovey, "Silliman's Journal", volume xxxv., page 74. St. Domingo, Courrojolles, "Journ de Phys." tom. liv., page 106. Bahamas, "United Service Journal", No. lxxi., pages 218 and 224. Jamaica, De la Beche, "Geol. Man." page 142. Cuba, Taylor in "Lond. and Edin. Mag." volume xi., page 17. Dr.

I have, since then, heard it repeated hundreds of times by the officers and men of Silliman's brigade, that our fate would have been the same had it not been for Colonel Burr. I was a sergeant-major in Chandler's regiment of Silliman's brigade at the time of the retreat. I am your very obedient servant, Adjacent to what is now Grand-street.

W. Lauder Lindsay, 'Edinburgh Vet. With respect to insects see Dr. Laycock, "On a General Law of Vital Periodicity," 'British Association, 1842. Dr. Macculloch, 'Silliman's North American Journal of Science, vol. XVII. page 305, has seen a dog suffering from tertian ague.

While Goodrich's agents and Beckett's agents were industriously arranging the eastern machinery of the opposition party for Simpson, Merriweather had Silliman's men toiling in the West and South to get Rundle delegates or uninstructed delegations. And, after our conversation, he was reinforced by Woodruff and such men of his staff as could be used without suspicion.

Murray, and she was a Quaker, too, made herself so charming in her hospitality to the British generals that she detained them long enough for Silliman's brigade to retreat to Harlem. Washington was awaiting them at the Apthorpe House, and they had left that place not more than fifteen minutes when the British came flying in the hot haste of pursuit. So but for Mrs.

This is not the only district where ice is found within temperate latitudes in North America. In Professor Silliman's 'American Journal of Science, in a sketch of the geology of the township of Salisbury, Con. These consist of chasms of considerable extent in the mica-state, where ice and snow remain during the greater part of the year.

For the remarks on Guayaquil, see Silliman's Journ., vol. xxiv. p. 384. For those on Tacna by Mr. Hamilton, see Trans. of British Association, 1840. For those on Coseguina see Mr. Caldcleugh in Phil. Trans., 1835. In the former edition I collected several references on the coincidences between sudden falls in the barometer and earthquakes; and between earthquakes and meteors.

I have, since then, heard it repeated hundreds of times by the officers and men of Silliman's brigade, that our fate would have been the same had it not been for Colonel Burr. I was a sergeant-major in Chandler's regiment of Silliman's brigade at the time of the retreat. I am your very obedient servant, Adjacent to what is now Grand-street.

Application was immediately made for a British patent, but Cooke and Wheatstone and Edward Davy, it seems, opposed it; and although Morse demonstrated that his was different from theirs, the patent was refused, owing to a prior publication in the London MECHANICS' MAGAZINE for February 18, 1838, in the form of an article quoted from Silliman's AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE for October, 1837.