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September 21 brought with it a grievous disappointment, as on that day the nautical almanac announced that nine-tenths of the sun would be obscured. For this event Bernacchi had made the most careful preparations, and everyone was placed under his orders during the day.

It was as if he had suddenly caught sight of someone cutting the covenant 'for quiet possession' out of his legal documents; or of a monster lurking and stalking out in the future, casting its shadow before. Their want of stolidity, their want of reverence! It was like discovering that nine-tenths of the people of England were foreigners. And if that were so then, anything might happen!

Poor, dear, Lizzy! as if that were an unheard-of pang! as if nine-tenths of her accusers were not "disapp'inted" themselves, some before, some after marriage, some in themselves, some in their children, some in their wretched, dreary lives! But there was only one John and only one heart-break present to her vision.

In the summer of 1810 a so-called "movement for self-government" started at Bayou Sara and at Baton Rouge, where nine-tenths of the inhabitants were Americans.

After having slight premonitory symptoms for two days, I was taken sick on August 31, and on September 1, I was carried to the yellow fever camp. My life was in the balance for three days, and my chart shows that on the fifth, sixth and seventh days my urine contained eighth-tenths and nine-tenths of moist albumin. On the day I was taken sick, August 31, 1900, Dr.

Nine-tenths of our cells are still submarine organisms, and water is our greatest panacea. Then came the great "humoral" or "vital fluid" theory of disease which ruled during the Middle Ages.

In a hundred parts are found seven and a half of nitrogen, eighty-eight of starch, one of dextrine, eight-tenths of fatty matter, one of cellulose, and nine-tenths of mineral matter. Taken alone it can not be called a nutritive food; but eaten with butter or milk and eggs, or as by the East Indians in curry, it holds an important place.

The velocity at that point I make equal zero, and x, the distance where the neutral point is, will be represented by the nine-tenths of d that is to say, the distance that separates the two centres." "I have some vague idea that it ought to be so," said Michel. "I shall then have, x equals nine-tenths of d, and v equals zero, and my formula will become " Barbicane wrote rapidly on the paper

In Wisconsin, the voyageurs passed from Green bay up the Fox river to Lake Winnebago, thence by the Fox again to the portage between the Fox and Wisconsin, thence down the Wisconsin river to the Mississippi. Through this important channel of trade passed nine-tenths of the goods that supplied the Indians above the Illinois river and those in upper Louisiana.

"Of course this adventuress, this Nelly Lebrun, plays hand in glove with Lord Nick and his troupe; unquestionably she shares her spoils, so that nine-tenths of the revenue from the mines is really flowing back through the hands of Lord Nick and Jack Landis has become a silly figurehead.