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"Art for art's sake" is a good and defensible phrase, if our definition of art includes the ideal, and not otherwise.

The history of Athens includes in itself the history of the human mind. Science and art erudition and genius all conspired no less than the trophies of Miltiades, the ambition of Alcibiades the jealousy of Sparta to the causes of the rise and fall of Athens.

He floated slowly along, and was set down in the neighborhood of the high altar; and the procession being broken up, some of its scattered members might be seen here and there, about the church, officials in antique Spanish dresses; Swiss guards, in polished steel breastplates; serving-men, in richly embroidered liveries; officers, in scarlet coats and military boots; priests, and divers other shapes of men; for the papal ceremonies seem to forego little or nothing that belongs to times past, while it includes everything appertaining to the present.

This was accounted for, no doubt, by its intended influence upon Allied morale in the great German offensive of early 1918. This last wave of propaganda includes one very interesting example. It is better known than other cases through its association with the International Red Cross at Geneva.

The North Level includes all that part of the Great Bedford Level situated between Morton's Leam and the river Welland, comprising about 48,000 acres of land. The river Nene, which brings down from the interior the rainfall of almost the entire county of Northampton, flows through nearly the centre of the district.

Thus the modern viewpoint includes the ideals of democracy in addition to Dr. Learned's emphasis on "knowledge" and "virtue" and probably points the way to the future development of library work with children. The special report on "Public Libraries in the United States of America," published in 1876 by the U. S. Bureau of Education includes the following paper by Mr.

To comprise it briefly, this petition includes everything that belongs to our entire life in the world, because on that account alone do we need daily bread.

At its best a civilization is insecure and even unstable, disturbed and upset by an increasing domestic struggle for preferment and power that includes rivalry, competition, revolt, rebellion, civil war and wars of self-determination carried on by unassimilated regional, provincial and colonial elements.

Expound to me, O grandsire, all this that seems to be very abstruse." "'Bhishma said, "The understanding is said to possess altogether sixty properties, for the understanding includes the five elements. All those properties exist in a state of union with the Soul.

And again, the husband who is toiling for the support of the family, he is thinking and working and toiling and suffering for a 'self' which includes his wife and children. Do you mean that the whole family is his "body"? Or a man belongs to some society, to a church or to a social league of some kind, and his activities are largely ruled by the interests of this larger group.