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But he hoped very soon, under the auspices of the Glenmutchkin Railway Company, to see a new periodical established, under the title of Tracts for the Trains.

The recollection of these passages next morning was the surest antidote to my return. Three weeks had elapsed, and still the Glenmutchkin Railway shares were at a premium, though rather lower than when we sold.

Independently of the surpassing grandeur of its mountain scenery, which shall immediately be referred to, and other considerations of even greater importance, GLENMUTCHKIN is known to the capitalist as the most important BREEDING-STATION in the Highlands of Scotland, and indeed as the great emporium from which the southern markets are supplied.

I felt relieved, however, after two spoonfuls of carbonate of soda, and a glance at the newspaper, wherein I perceived the announcement of no less than four other schemes equally preposterous with our own. But, after all, what right had I to assume that the Glenmutchkin project would prove an ultimate failure?

Bob was in high feather; for Sawley no sooner heard of the principles upon which the railway was to be conducted, and his own nomination as a director, than he gave in his adhesion, and promised his unflinching support to the uttermost. The prospectus ran as follows: "DIRECT GLENMUTCHKIN RAILWAY," Provisional Committee. SIR POLLOXFEN TREMENS, Bart. Of Toddymains. TAVISH M'TAVISH of Invertavish.

We were opposed by four other companies who patronised lines, of which the nearest was at least a hundred miles distant from Glenmutchkin; but as they founded their opposition upon dissent from "the Glenmutchkin system" generally, the committee allowed them to be heard.

We were opposed by four other companies who patronised lines, of which the nearest was at least a hundred miles distant from Glenmutchkin; but as they founded their opposition upon dissent from "the Glenmutchkin system" generally, the committee allowed them to be heard.

There is a large fishing station here, to which vessels from every nation resort, and the demand for foreign produce is daily and steadily increasing. "As a sporting country Glenmutchkin is unrivalled; but it is by the tourists that its beauties will most greedily be sought.

You and I must restrict ourselves to a couple of thousand shares apiece. That's only a third of the whole, but it won't do to be greedy." "But, Bob, consider! Where on earth are we to find the money to pay up the deposits?" "Can you, the principal director of the Glenmutchkin Railway, ask me, the secretary, such a question?

Although the "Glenmutchkin line" was purely imaginary, and not intended by the writer to apply to any particular scheme then before the public, it was identified in Scotland with more than one reckless and impracticable project; and even the characters introduced were supposed to be typical of personages who had attained some notoriety in the throng of speculation. I was confoundedly hard up.