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"Take care now, Jessie; you're verging upon metaphysics. But you have only given me your opinion of men as yet; you have still to say what you think of Eda's acknowledged predilection for idleness."

"But I must leave you. I see that Eda's eyes are refusing to keep open any longer, so good-night to you all, and a sound sleep."

And now it seemed that he had made it hers also. She regretted having repulsed him, pushed her plate away from her, and rose. "You haven't eaten anything," said Hannah, who had come into the room. "Where are you going?" "Out to Eda's," Janet answered.... "It's late," Hannah objected. But Janet departed.

Eda had faith in her, even when Janet had lost faith in herself: she went to Eda in the same spirit that Marguerite went to church; though she, Janet, more resembled Faust, being save in these hours of lowered vitality of the forth-faring kind.... Unable to confess the need that drove her, she arrived in Eda's little bedroom to be taken into Eda's arms.

Eda had faith in her, even when Janet had lost faith in herself: she went to Eda in the same spirit that Marguerite went to church; though she, Janet, more resembled Faust, being save in these hours of lowered vitality of the forth-faring kind .... Unable to confess the need that drove her, she arrived in Eda's little bedroom to be taken into Eda's arms.

It was the craving in her for romance Janet assuaged; Eda's was the love content to pour out, that demands little. She was capable of immolation. Janet was by no means ungrateful for the warmth of such affection, though in moments conscious of a certain perplexity and sadness because she was able to give such a meagre return for the wealth of its offering.

Their dissipations together consisted of "sundaes" at a drug-store, or sometimes of movie shows at the Star or the Alhambra. Stereotyped on Eda's face during the legitimately tender passages of these dramas was an expression of rapture, a smile made peculiarly infatuate by that vertical line in her cheeks, that inadequacy of lip and preponderance of white teeth and red gums.

Instead of going to Eda's she walked alone, seeking the quieter streets that her thoughts might flow undisturbed. At ten o'clock, when she returned, the light was out in the diningroom, her sister had not come in, and she began slowly to undress, pausing every now and then to sit on the bed and dream; once she surprised herself gazing into the glass with a rapt expression that was almost a smile.

The man was no longer following her. She had been almost self-convinced of an intention to go to Eda's not quite. Of late her conscience had reproached her about Eda, Janet had neglected her.

But then, I'm not smart like you." "Don't be silly," said Janet, out of humour with herself, and annoyed because she could not then appreciate Eda's generosity.