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"D'you think the Unknown God has singled me out for the job? Or do you really expect to escape scot-free after making the sign of the cross over so many lost souls." "The sign of the cross?" "Yes. Don't you remember when I told you of Brayfield's death? You've never given him a thought since, I suppose. But I'll make you keep on thinking about me." "What has happened to-night?" she asked sharply.

Then you came with poor Brayfield's letter " She broke off, then added, with a long, quivering sigh: "You've made me suffer, Dion." "Have I?" He turned till he was facing her in the darkness. "Then at last you were overtaken by your tragedy, and she showed you her cruelty and cast you out. From that moment I was resolved some day to let you know how much I cared. I wanted you in your misery.

But as it is I am going to be truthful. I can say honestly peace to Brayfield's ashes. His death was worthy. Courage he evidently had. But you mustn't think that because he liked me I ever liked him. Don't make a mistake. I'm not a nervous suspicious fool of a woman anxiously defending, or trying to defend, her honor not attacked, by the way.

By her glance at Brayfield's letter he knew that she had gathered it. They talked of Jimmy for a few minutes; then Dion said: "My regiment was brigaded with Lord Brayfield's for a time in South Africa. I was in the action in which he was shot, poor chap. He saw me and remembered that I was a a friend of yours. When he was dying he wanted to see me.

"I don't know. I find it very attractive," he said, instinctively on the defensive because of Rosamund, who had not been attacked. "The coziness and the peace of it are very delightful after all the well, of course, it was a pretty stiff life in South Africa." Again he looked at Brayfield's letter. He wanted to tell Mrs. Clarke about Brayfield, but it seemed she had no interest in the dead man.

As Dion turned to get a cigarette he heard her tearing Brayfield's envelope. "Will you give me one?" said the husky voice. Without saying anything he handed to her the box, and held a lighted match to her cigarette when it was between the pale lips. She smoked gently as she opened and read Brayfield's letter.