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More South Americana of Indian descent, out of the general population, have gained honor and power than could possibly have done so under the confined and absolute sway of the Incas. The Indians of all Spanish America have progressed, however slowly and rudely, in the arts, labors, culture, and faith of Christian civilization, and, in the aggregate, are in advance of the Indians of Anglo-America.

They will not afford to let their young men study till two or three and twenty, and it is therefore declared, ex cathedra Americana, to be unnecessary.

The flowers were not attractive to the eye or of pleasant odor; but the long corollas held a pungent, honeyed sweetness that attracted the birds and many insects. Its technical name was Agave Americana.

The corps was organized as an independent command and was named "La Falange Americana." At this time the enemy held the route to the Caribbean, and Walker's first orders were to dislodge him.

Now, if you expect me to hold forth in a "scientific" way about my tree-loves, to talk, for instance, of the Ulmus Americana, and describe the ciliated edges of its samara, and all that, you are an anserine individual, and I must refer you to a dull friend who will discourse to you of such matters.

The Indians uttered a howl of disappointment when they saw the jug collapse and its precious contents wasted, but were silenced by an exclamation of their chief. After an excited pow-wow between themselves, they disappeared among the hills in the shadows of the night. "Muchas gracias, senor Americana," said Don Juan, "quien sabe?"

Manners and Social Condition of Filipino Girls Sentimental Boy Lovers Love-making by Proxy How Courtship is Usually Performed Premature Adolescence of Filipino Youth The Boda Americana Filipino Girls Are Coquettes, But Not Flirts Exposure of Filipino Girls to Unchaste Conversation Unceasing Watchfulness over Girls Progressive Changes in All the Above Matters.

In so far as its hardihood in this climate has to do, it may be mentioned that in various parts of England and Ireland it has stood in the open ground unharmed for several years back. Light, sandy, well drained peat would seem to meet with its requirements. EUONYMUS AMERICANA. American Spindle Tree. North America, 1686.

He sent copies of this work to several distinguished personages, and notably to Louisa of Savoy, mother of Francis I. But she not understanding, so thinks Harrisse, the very learned author of the Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima, the kind of patois used by Pigafetta, and which resembles a mixture of Italian, Venetian, and Spanish, employed a certain Jacques Antoine Fabre to translate it into French.

All the same to you, however: since your companeros are likely to have the advantage of it. As for the Americana," continued he, before I had time to make rejoinder, "Virgen santissima! such a maiden was never seen in these parts. Such a shot!