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We tried to ride him off quietly apologies and so forth but it was the milk-punch and mayonnaise that defeated us. 'Yes, he wasn't taking anything except pure revenge, said Eames. 'He said he'd make an example of the regiment, and he was particularly glad that he'd landed our Colonel. He told us so. Old Dhurrah-bags don't sympathise with Wontner's tactical lectures.

But perhaps the surprise, annoyance and keen disappointment broke his soldierly heart. Anyway, living or dying, the Baron was a clever and plausible performance. You know Mr. WONTNER'S loose-limbed ease of manner and agreeable voice. He was rather a stock and stockish hero as he left the author's hands, but Mr. WONTNER put life and feeling into him.

He asks no questions, accepts what is put before him, and babbles in one key very often of trifles. But food and drink are the very best of drugs. I think it was Heidsieck Dry Monopole '92 Stalky as usual stuck to Burgundy that began to unlock Mr. Wontner's heart behind my shirt-front.

'This afternoon, about four, to be exact Eames broke in. 'We went over to Wontner's quarters to talk things over. The row only happened last night, and we found him writing letters as hard as he could to his father getting up his case for the War Office, you know. He read us some of 'em, but I'm not a good judge of style.

Mr. Wontner's father, I understood, kept a butler and two footmen. 'D'you suppose they're shamming, in order to get off? he said at last. Ipps shook his head and noiselessly threw the door open. The boys had finished their dinner and were fast asleep one on a sofa, one in a long chair their faces fallen back to the lines of their childhood.