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I looked up at the moment, and, catching Commander Nesbitt's eye I'm sure he gave a sort of sly wink, the which impressed on my mind the conviction that he must have overheard our conversation and, wishing to give Master Larkyns some employment for his spare time, had sent him aloft on a wild-goose chase.

I stay here." "And leave your innocence unproved." "How can I prove it?" cried Rufus Dawes, roughly impatient. "There are crimes committed which are never brought to light, and this is one of them." "Well," said Rex, rising, as if weary of the discussion, "have it your own way, then. You know best. The private detective game is hard work. I, myself, have gone on a wild-goose chase before now.

Has he not lost enough in the South Sea Bubble, without sinking the little that is left in some wild-goose Jacobite plot?" "How shall it matter to you, since he's sworn to disinherit you?" "How, madam?" Rotherby laughed cunningly. "I'll prevent the one and the other and pay off Mr. Caryll at the same time. Three birds with one stone, let me perish!" He reached for his hat.

So taking one thing with another I imagined that I had seen his grim face and his peculiar, ancient-looking axe for the last time. To tell the truth I was glad. Although at first the idea had appealed to me a little, I did not want to make this wild-goose, or wild-witch chase through unknown lands to seek for a totally fabulous person who dwelt far across the Zambesi.

And I want to assure you that I that Mr. Fenshawe would object most strenuously to your incurring any real peril for the sake of the worthless people who have brought us to Africa on a wild-goose chase.

The document was written in the calligraphy of an evidently educated man; and now that I had it in its complete form in my hands I began to regard the whole matter in a very different light from what I had hitherto done; up to now I had been disposed to regard the adventure as one that was more than likely to prove a wild-goose chase; but as I noted the evidences of intelligence and education that the document revealed on the part of the writer it suddenly dawned upon me that after all there might be something in it.

"Here she is, to speak for herself," said Marion, entering from the next room. The physician looked at her long and intently. "I give up," he said at length. "It has worked. You are all right, and" turning to Norah "I suppose you think you are very clever, miss. Your wild-goose scheme has been a success." "You shall not call it names, for it has been the happiest winter of my life," said Marion.

At last, I agreed to myself, that to look for you as you looked after your father, would be a wild-goose chase, and that my money would soon be gone; so I reflected whether I might not take up some roving trade which would support me, and, at the same time, enable me to proceed from place to place. What do you think was my first speculation?

They searched the house to no purpose; neither priest or friar was there, and he, consequently, had the satisfaction of performing another wild-goose chase with his usual success, whenever the Rev. Samson Strong sent him in pursuit.

From this epistle, and the information of his messenger, our hero learned, that his mistress had actually profited by his wild-goose chase, so as to make a safe retreat to her mother's house.