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Updated: August 6, 2024

The child in the vessel began to cry and was separated from the woman, who returned to bed and suddenly died one-half hour later. The mother was entirely unconscious of the delivery. Westphal mentions a delivery in a water-closet.

Under this point of view, he attacks his problem, and with considerable success An admirable brief historical review of traumatism in relation to the nervous system constitutes a valuable section of the book, in which he brings out the conflicting views which have prevailed since the earlier work of Erichsen down through the fundamental investigations of Westphal, Charcot, Knapp, Oppenheim and others.

I told Howard, as young as he was, I would not have him Goethed and Schillered, as he certainly would be if he stayed here; so I changed my plans and made up my mind to accept the invitation of my friend the Countess Westphal to make her a visit at her chateau in Westphalia. We took a train which dropped us at her station, where she met us and drove us to Fuerstenberg.

On each side of the horse's head hang long, white, horse-hair tails. What did we look like as we proceeded on our way? A procession of eight sleighs, combining a ranz des vaches, a summer bed, and an antiquary shop! Arrived at the rendezvous, Count Westphal placed his guests by different trees. The best place, of course, fell to the Duke, and I had the honor to stand behind him and his gun.

Then we went to the drawing-room, where cards, smoking, billiards, and flirtation went on simultaneously until the small hour of one, when we retired to our rooms. Countess Westphal and I had adjoining rooms, very prettily furnished in chintz. Everything was in the most English style. It is the correct thing here to affect awful clothes in the daytime.

Last Tuesday we three Count and Countess Westphal and I left Wiesbaden, slept at Frankfort, and starting the next morning at eleven o'clock, we arrived at our destination at 5.00 P.M. We found three carriages; one for us and two for the maids and luggage.

Countess Westphal was full of happy expectations; so was I. We were four hours on the way before we reached our destination; but Countess Westphal cheerfully remarked that time was of no consequence. On our arrival at the forlorn little station I looked in vain for the lordly chariot I thought would be waiting for us.

When the Countess Westphal suggested it, and said that we intended to take a certain train, the faces of our hosts presented a blank look of apprehension! Their horses were plowing! What should we do?

"They have to drive the boar with the wind," he whispered. "I thought they did it with sticks," I answered in a low tone. To this remark he did not pay the slightest attention. Between a sneeze and a cough we were rapidly catching our deaths he said, under his breath, "If they smell us they go away." The treibers work in couples, Count Westphal leading them.

With reference to our own race, the genesis of the composition of verse and metre are shown by the researches made by Westphal and others into the metrical system of the Vedic Aryans, the Turanians, and the Greeks, since the fact that their metres were the same implies a common origin. The demonstration is complete, if we compare the iambic metre of Archilochus with that of the Vedic hymns.

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