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According to the website: "The mission of the Universal Library Project is to start a worldwide movement to make available on the Internet all the Authored Works of Mankind so that anyone can access these works from any place at any time.

Brian Lang, Chief Executive of the British Library, states on the British Library website: "We do not envisage an exclusively digital library. We are aware that some people feel that digital materials will predominate in libraries of the future. Others anticipate that the impact will be slight.

The Technorealism website first appeared on the Web on March 12, 1998. According to the website, technorealism is "an attempt to assess the social and political implications of technologies so that we might all have more control over the shape of our future.

A discussion forum allows them to ask questions or seek help at any time. A project manager oversees the progress of a particular book through its different steps on the website. On August 3, 2005, 7,639 books were completed, 1,250 books were in progress and 831 books were being proofread.

It has exclusive partnerships with more than 12,000 websites through its Affiliate Network, including CNN Interactive, Lycos, and ZDNet. On May 27, 1998, launched a significantly enhanced version of its e-commerce website.

The following week, he addressed the European Parliament, in Brussels. DP Europe uses the software of the original Distributed Proofreaders and is dedicated to the proofreading of books for Project Gutenberg Europe. Since its very beginnings, DP Europe has been a multilingual website, with its main pages translated into several European languages by volunteer translators.

Everywhere in the world, the future of the on-line press is provoking an in-depth debate on the job of journalist and on copyright problems. The New York Times' website can be accessed free of charge around the world. It includes the daily contents of The New York Times newspaper, breaking news updates every ten minutes and original reporting found only on the Web.

To reach as large an audience as possible, the solution is to create bilingual, trilingual, even multilingual sites. The website of the Belgian daily newspaper Le Soir presents the newspaper in six languages: French, English, Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish.

As Brian Lang, Chief Executive of the British Library, explains on the website: "The Beowulf manuscript is a unique treasure and imposes on the Library a responsibility to scholars throughout the world.

The key objectives of the Programme, as summarized on their website, are: " To ensure the continuation of essential processes and services, i.e. creating, maintaining and providing access to catalogue data; to make these processes and services more efficient and effective; and