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That accomplished, he returned to his work area and switched his display screen to communications mode. It was 0800 by ship and Palace time; the Emperor would be in his office by now, so Medart accessed the Imperial priority band, then the Emperor's private comset. The response was prompt; Davis' face appeared within five seconds. "Morning, Jim. What have you found out?"

Everywhere in the world, the future of the on-line press is provoking an in-depth debate on the job of journalist and on copyright problems. The New York Times' website can be accessed free of charge around the world. It includes the daily contents of The New York Times newspaper, breaking news updates every ten minutes and original reporting found only on the Web.

There's no exact date to give because it took some time until we got it to work in a reasonably reliable way. Before that, it had been offering most of its services via Telnet, which wasn't used much by patrons, although in theory they could have accessed a lot of material from home.

The New York Public Library Digital Collections provide the public with digital versions of books, manuscripts, photographs, engravings, and other items as well as tools to browse, search, and analyze these materials remotely via the Internet. "SPIRO can be accessed using either Image Query, a powerful database retrieval package, or the World Wide Web.