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Updated: August 9, 2024

The pious monk, in his ecstasies over Jesus, intones a song which might be that of those passionate farandoles of angels who dance and carol in Botticelli's most rapturous pictures: "Amore, amor, dove m'hai tu menato? Amore, amor, fuor di me m'hai trattato. Ciascun amante, amator del Signore, Venga alla danza cantando d'amore."

Several excellent books may also be consulted with advantage especially Faustino Corsi's Treatise on the Stones of Antiquity, Trattato delle Pietre Antiche, which is the most approved Italian work on the subject, and from which much of the information contained in the following pages has been obtained. No marble quarries exist in the vicinity of Rome.

In his 'Proemio' to the 'Trattato del Reggimento di Firenze, Guicciardini thus describes the desideratum: 'introdurre in Firenze un governo onesto, bene ordinato, e che veramente si potesse chiamare libero, il che dalla sua prima origine insino a oggi non è mai stato cittadino alcuno che abbia saputo o potuto fare.

Many of his writings are in the libraries of Europe in manuscript form: his best known work is the "Trattato della Pittura," and has been translated into English.

The curious discrepancies between the Trattato della Famiglia as written by Alberti and as ascribed to Pandolfini can only be explained upon the hypothesis of such rifacimento.

Le Monnier. See vol. i. of the edition of Machiavelli, by Mess. Fanfani and Passerini, Florence, 1873; p. lv. Villani's Machiavelli, ib. p. 306. The income is estimated at about 180l. See Pandolfini, Trattato del Governo della Famiglia. Fanfani and Passerini's edition, vol. i. p. xcii. Elogia, cap. 87.

The different Physiognomies of the Italian Republics The Similarity of their Character as Municipalities The Rights of Citizenship Causes of Disturbance in the Commonwealths Belief in the Plasticity of Constitutions Example of Genoa Savonarola's Constitution Machiavelli's Discourse to Leo X. Complexity of Interests and Factions Example of Siena Small Size of Italian Cities Mutual Mistrust and Jealousy of the Commonwealths The notable Exception of Venice Constitution of Venice Her wise System of Government Contrast of Florentine Vicissitudes The Magistracies of Florence Balia and Parlamento The Arts of the Medici Comparison of Venice and Florence in respect to Intellectual Activity and Mobility Parallels between Greece and Italy Essential Differences The Mercantile Character of Italian Burghs The 'Trattato del Governo della Famiglia' The Bourgeois Tone of Florence, and the Ideal of a Burgher Mercenary Arms.

The charge was refuted, but not until his papers had been seized and himself imprisoned. This disgusted him with Bologna, and he returned to Padua in 1564. There he applied all his faculties to the accomplishment of his epic poem; collected immense materials from the chronicles of the Crusades; and wrote, to exercise his critical powers, the "Discorsi" and the "Trattato sulla Poesia."

This we gather from Savonarola's denunciations, from the animated pictures drawn by Alberti in his Trattato della Famiglia and Cena della Famiglia and also from the inductions to many of the Sacre Rappresentazioni. See Gregorovius, Stadt Rom, vol. viii. p. 225: 'E li cardinali comenzarono a vomitar e cussi li altri, quoted from Sanudo.

Here it was that Piero della Francesca had written his celebrated work on the science of perspective, Francesco di Giorgio his Trattato d'Architettura, and Giovanni Santi his poetical account of the artists of his time; and here it was in the first days of the sixteenth century that Elizabetta was the centre of a group which was all sweetness and light when compared with the prevailing habits of life.

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