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There was a small-print line at the bottom of the quarter-column devoted by the compilers of Whittinger's "Peerage" to the Marquisate of Foltlebarre, which might have enlightened her. He turned to it now, and read: "Viscountess Beauvayse, Esther, dau: of Samuel Levah, Esq., of Finsbury, E.C., mar: June, 1899, the late John Basil Edward Tobart, Lieut. Grey Hussars, 11th Viscount Beauvayse.

Don't you understand that I, the woman you've pitied my God! pitied, for singing and dancing on the public stage 'with so few clothes on'" she savagely mimics the manner and tone "I am the lawful wife of the man you tried to trap the Right Honourable John Basil Edward Tobart!" The painted lips sneer savagely.

"That's because I signed my name 'John Basil Edward Tobart," explains Beauvayse; "and because the Registrar a benevolent old cock in a large white waistcoat, like somebody's father in a farcical comedy wasn't sufficiently up in the Peerage to be impressed." "Weren't there witnesses of sorts?" hints Bingo. "Of sorts.

"Where are mother and nurse?" "Ga!" said the baby. Then, with a sudden puckering of pearly-golden brows, and a little querulous cry of impatience, the Hon. Alyse Rosabel Tobart squirmed out of the arms that held her, exhibiting in the process the most cherubic of pink legs, and the loveliest silk socks and kid shoes, and wriggled back into her sandy nest.

Killed in action during the defence of Gueldersdorp, Feb., 1900, while atta: as Junior aide to the Staff of Colonel Commanding H.M. Forces, leaving issue one dau: The Hon. Alyse Rosabel Tobart, now aged eighteen months." At the Clubs, Service and Civil, Saxham had heard the impromptu marriage of the late John Basil Edward Tobart freely discussed.