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Gradgrind looked out of window, and made no reply. Mr. Sleary emptied his glass and recalled the ladies. 'Thethilia my dear, kith me and good-bye! Mith Thquire, to thee you treating of her like a thithter, and a thithter that you trutht and honour with all your heart and more, ith a very pretty thight to me. I hope your brother may live to be better detherving of you, and a greater comfort to you.

But what I thay, Thquire, ith, that good tempered or bad tempered, I never did a horthe a injury yet, no more than thwearing at him went, and that I don't expect I thall begin otherwithe at my time of life, with a rider. I never wath much of a Cackler, Thquire, and I have thed my thay. The latter part of this speech was addressed to Mr. The last words had a visible effect upon her.

He went round as if he wath a theeking for a child he know'd; and then he comed to me, and thood on hith two fore-legth, weak ath he wath, and then he wagged hith tail and died. Thquire, that dog wath Merrylegth." "Sissy's father's dog!" "Thethilia's fatherth old dog. Now, Thquire, I can take my oath, from my knowledge of that dog, that that man wath dead and buried afore that dog came back to me.

Tho, whether her father bathely detherted her; or whether he broke hith own heart alone, rather than pull her down along with him; never will be known, now, Thquire, till no, not till we know how the dogth findth uth out! 'She keeps the bottle that he sent her for, to this hour; and she will believe in his affection to the last moment of her life, said Mr. Gradgrind.

I am willing to take charge of you, Jupe, and to educate you, and provide for you. Also, that if you accompany me now, it is understood that you communicate no more with any of your friends who are here present. These observations comprise the whole of the case." "At the thame time," said Sleary, "I muth put in my word, Thquire, tho that both thides of the banner may be equally theen.

But I tell you what I'll do, Thquire; I'll drive your thon and thith young man over to the rail, and prevent expothure here. I can't conthent to do more, but I'll do that. Fresh lamentations from Louisa, and deeper affliction on Mr. Gradgrind's part, followed this desertion of them by their last friend.

The way in whith a dog'll find you the dithtanthe he'll come! 'His scent, said Mr. Gradgrind, 'being so fine. 'I'm bletht if I know what to call it, repeated Sleary, shaking his head, 'but I have had dogth find me, Thquire, in a way that made me think whether that dog hadn't gone to another dog, and thed, "You don't happen to know a perthon of the name of Thleary, do you?

I can get you hith addreth directly." In conthequenth of my being afore the public, and going about tho muth, you thee, there mutht be a number of dogth acquainted with me, Thquire, that I don't know! Mr. Gradgrind seemed to be quite confounded by this speculation.

But what I thay, Thquire, ith, that good tempered or bad tempered, I never did a horthe a injury yet, no more than thwearing at him went, and that I don't expect I thall begin otherwithe at my time of life, with a rider. I never wath much of a cackler, Thquire, and I have thed my thay." The latter part of this speech was addressed to Mr. The last words had a visible effect upon her.

Give it a name, Thquire! said Mr. Sleary, with hospitable ease. 'Nothing for me, I thank you, said Mr. Gradgrind. 'Don't thay nothing, Thquire. What doth your friend thay? If you haven't took your feed yet, have a glath of bitterth.