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Updated: August 23, 2024

"An oak-leaf hat he had for his crown, His shirt it was by spiders spun: With doublet wove of thistledown, His trousers up with points were done; His stockings, of apple-rind, they tie With eye-lash pluck'd from his mother's eye: His shoes were made of a mouse's skin, Nicely tann'd with hair within."

His stockings, of apple-rind, they tie With eyelash from his mother's eye His shoes were made of mouse's skin, Tann'd with the downy hair within." Tom never grew any larger than his father's thumb, which was only of ordinary size; but as he got older he became very cunning and full of tricks.

As the tann'd galley slave is with his oar. Neither is there in these plays that solemn sense of heavenly justice, of the fatality hanging over a house which will be broken when guilt shall have been expiated, which lends a sort of serene background of eternal justice to the terrible tales of Thebes and Argos.

Joshuah Silvester questioned whether the devil had done more harm in latter ages by means of fire and smoke, through the invention of guns, or of tobacco-pipes; and he conjectured that Satan introduced the fashion, as a preparatory course of smoking for those who were to be matriculated in his own college: As roguing Gipsies tan their little elves, To make them tann'd and ugly, like themselves.

When they hunt in the Night, that there is a great many together, they make the most hideous and frightful Noise, that ever was heard. The Fur makes good Muffs. The Skin dress'd to a Parchment makes the best Drum-Heads, and if tann'd makes the best sort of Shooes for the Summer-Countries. I once saw one, that was larger that a Panther, and seem'd to be a very bold Creature.

Woman's Prize, or the Tanner Tann'd, a Comedy, built on the same foundation with Shakespear's Taming of a Shrew; writ by Fletcher without Beaumont. Mr. Beaumont writ besides his dramatic pieces, a volume of poems, elegies, sonnets, &c. Was descended from a family of his name living in Lincolnshire, but whether born there, is not ascertained.

This chamber, he states, "is inclosed with three doors, the inner cancellated, the middle, which is very thick, lined with skins like parchment, and driven full of nails. These skins, they by tradition tell us, were some skins of the Danes, tann'd and given here as a memorial of our delivery from them." Portions of this supposed human skin were examined under the microscope by the late Mr.

Enjoy'd specially those brief trips to and fro the sailors, tann'd, strong, so bright and able-looking, pulling their oars in long side-swing, man-of-war style, as they row'd me across. I saw the boys in companies drilling with small arms; had a talk with Chaplain Rawson.

This chamber, he states, "is inclosed with three doors, the inner cancellated, the middle, which is very thick, lined with skins like parchment, and driven full of nails. These skins, they by tradition tell us, were some skins of the Danes, tann'd and given here as a memorial of our delivery from them." Portions of this supposed human skin were examined under the microscope by the late Mr.

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