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Under these auspices, in such environment, dimly visible to us, at Wusterhausen and elsewhere, is the remarkable little Crown-Prince of his century growing up, prosperously as yet. Friedrich Wilhelm holds Tabagie nightly; but at Wusterhausen or wherever he may be, there is no lack of intricate Official Labor, which, even in the Tabagie, Friedrich Wilhelm does not forget.

"I have been pent up in the Duke's tabagie for at least two hours," he said, "and I am perfectly suffocated." "How can you sit in that atmosphere? Why don't you come and smoke on deck?" "Oh! it was not only the tobacco that suffocated me to-night, it was the ideas." "What ideas?" asked Margaret. "You have known the Duke a long time," said he, "and of course you can judge. Or rather, you know.

Apart from disclosing the course of the Ottawa, the Voyage of 1613 is chiefly notable for its account of Indian customs for example, the mode of sepulture, the tabagie or feast, and the superstition which leads the Algonquins to throw pieces of tobacco into the cauldron of the Chaudière Falls as a means of ensuring protection against their enemies.

Next Tabagie, a servant enters with one of the biggest trays in the world, and upon it a "Wooden Key gilt, about an ell long;" this gigantic implement is solemnly hung round the repentant Kammerherr; this he shall wear publicly as penance, and be upon his behavior, till the royal mind can relent. "On recovering his metal key, he goes to a smith, and has it fixed on with wire."

And so Seckendorf, how can he help it, is installed in the Tabagie; glides into pleasant conversation there.

A Parliament reduced to its simplest expression, and, instead of Parliamentary eloquence, provided with Dutch clay-pipes and tobacco: so we may define this celebrated Tabagie of Friedrich Wilhelm's.

The Second Act, therefore, of this foolish World-Drama of the Double-Marriage opens, on the 11th May, 1726, towards sunset, in the TABAGIE of the Berlin Palace, as we gather from laborious comparison of windy Pollnitz with other indistinct witnesses of a dreary nature, in the following manner: Prussian Majesty sits smoking at the window; nothing particular going on.

"Arrest, Herr Kammerrath, is it to be that, then!" If, with natural indignation, he shut his door, and refuse to come to the Tabagie, they knock in a panel of his door; and force him out with crackers, fire-works, rockets and malodorous projectiles.

Some subordinate character, with clear windpipe, all the better too, if he be a book-man, cognizant of History, Geography, and can explain everything, usually reads the Newspaper from some high seat behind backs, while his Majesty and Household dine. The same subordinate personage may be worth his place in the Tabagie, should his function happen to prove necessary there.

In respect to myself, as I did not wish any of their chowder, which they prepare in a very dirty manner, I asked them for some fish and meat, that I might prepare it my own way, which they gave me. For drink we had fine, clear water. Tessouat, who gave the tabagie, entertained us without eating himself, according to their custom.