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"Think you see a ghost; or was it a 'coon whisked past, smelling our fine spread here? Speak up, can't you, and tell us?" Toby managed to find his tongue, and as usual when excited made quite a mess of his explanation. "W-w-why, y-y-you s-s-see, I t-that is, there's s-s-somebody oh! look for yourselves and you'll understand quicker'n I c'n tell you!"

"T-that V-victorina!" Don Tiburcio had stammered. "S-she's c-capable of having me s-shot!" Padre Florentino was unable to reassure him. Vainly he pointed out to him that the word cojera should have read cogerá, and that the hidden Spaniard could not be Don Tiburcio, but the jeweler Simoun, who two days before had arrived, wounded and a fugitive, begging for shelter.

"Well, the floor's dry, though dirty." "D-dirty? So it is, but beggars can't be c-choosers and dev'lish drowsy place, this! I'm a b-beggar you know t-that, and pah! I think I'm l-losing my taste for brandy " "Really, Ronald? I've thought you seemed over fond of it especially lately."

And, by the way, m' child, what in the devil's name brings yer on the street alone at this hour, say, tell me that?" and he assumed a most judicial attitude and manner. I replied, "I am going home from my work, sir." "Y-your w-what?" he growled. "My work, sir, at the theatre." "Good Lord!" he groaned, "and t-that crawlin' r-reptile couldn't let you pass, you poor little soul, you!"

"I t-thought I heard a cry. T-t-there it is again," as a faint call came from the river. The three boys were standing on the landing with Colonel Snow, still discussing the mysterious disappearance of Gerald. "T-that you, Gerald?" shouted Pepper.

She was not nearly as old as Gyp had thought she was. And her tears were very pathetic; she was sniffing and searching in a pocket for the handkerchief that was probably in her knitting bag. "T-that will d-do, Miss Westley," she managed to say, still searching and sniffing. But Gyp stood rooted. "I'm sorry you feel bad, Miss Gray. Will you take my handkerchief?