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"You certainly see a lot of things and work fast, when you get a-going," whispered the engineer as he let himself down into the boat. "Now where to?" "Just round that bunch of mangroves and out of sight of the Swastika's decks. Grab that oar and paddle. Easy but work fast!"

When she sallied forth once more she found Herrick waiting for her with a tiny tea-tray. "You must have a cup of tea before you go." He poured it out as he spoke. "And a biscuit one of Mrs. Swastika's specialities. She's an excellent cook, and proud of her cakes, so do try one to please me and her!" Toni drank the tea gratefully and found both it and the little cakes delicious.

The second boat was a low, dirty forty-footer the Cormorant the boat to which the Swastika's passengers were to transfer for the trip up the river. A Japanese steward, in spick and span whites, came down the Egret's shiny gangway, entered the path leading to the Swastika's dock, and in a few minutes came hurrying back to his boat carrying a handbag.

Granger had gathered his flock from afar, none nearer than a thousand miles away from Florida's subtropics. It was a varied throng which gathered in the Swastika's saloon for an early breakfast. They were earnest, serious, land seekers, not tourists.

Out on the narrow wharf Payne caught his foot on the painter of a rowboat moored near the Swastika's stern, and found the soft blue haze of the subtropical night still undisturbed save for the first ray of dawn. The tree growth on the key was jungle-like in density. A path had been cut through to the eastern shore.

He led the way swiftly to the stateroom, grasped his bag and Higgins', locked the door and hurried aft out of sight of the people gathered forward. "Come on," he whispered throwing a leg over the railing. Higgins, peering after him, saw the young man untying the rowboat which was fastened to the dock beneath the Swastika's stern.