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Just look how they cite schedules to me now, and none other than those of the Archbishop Basilio Sancho, as if from his time up to now prices had not risen. Ha, ha, ha! Why should a baptism cost less than a chicken? But I play the deaf man, collect what I can, and never complain. We're not avaricious, are we, Padre Salvi?" At that moment Simoun's head appeared above the hatchway.

Basilio then recalled Simoun's words: "The day in which they can get rid of you, you will not complete your course." "Could he have known anything?" he asked himself. "We'll see who is the most powerful." Recovering his serenity, he went on toward the University, to learn what attitude it behooved him to take and at the same time to see about his licentiateship.

I am ready to serve you, along with all the rest of the unfortunates." The cloud that had darkened Simoun's brow suddenly disappeared, a ray of triumph darted from his eyes, and like one who has found what he sought he exclaimed: "I'm right, yes, I'm right! Right and Justice are on my side, because my cause is that of the persecuted. Thanks, young man, thanks!

The porter stopped him and accosted him roughly, and finally, upon his insisting, threatened to call the police. Just then Simoun came down, slightly pale, and the porter turned from Basilio to salute the jeweler as though he had been a saint passing. Basilio realized from the expression of Simoun's face that he was leaving the fated house forever, that the lamp was lighted. Alea jacta est!