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'Shtrip boys! sez I. 'Shtrip to the buff, an' shwim in where glory waits! 'But I can't shwim! sez two av thim. 'To think I should live to hear that from a bhoy wid a board-school edukashin! sez I. 'Take a lump av timber, an' me an' Conolly here will ferry ye over, ye young ladies! "We got an ould tree-trunk, an' pushed off wid the kits an' the rifles on it.

He seemed to be trying to coax Ortheris out of the fit; for he shouted down the bank where the boy was lying "Listen now, you wid the 'pore pink toes' an' the glass eyes! Did you shwim the Irriwaddy at night, behin' me, as a bhoy shud; or were you hidin' under a bed, as you was at Ahmid Kheyl?" This was at once a gross insult and a direct lie, and Mulvaney meant it to bring on a fight.

I thought onc't I'd fadomed the say ov throuble; and that was when I got through fractions at ould Mat Kavanagh's school, in Firdramore, God be good to poor Mat's sowl, though he did deny the cause the day he suffered! but its fluxions itself we're set to bottom now, sink or shwim!

Bill stared at the man wide-eyed. "Fronte McKim?" he cried. "Aye, Fronte McKim! As sh'u'd 'a' been gineral av all Oirland, England, an' Injia. Av he'd 'a' been let go he'd licked th' naygers fir-rst an' diplomated phwat was lift av um. He'd made um shwim off th' field to kape from dhroundin' in their own blood an' kep' 'em good aftherward wid th' buckle ind av a surcingle.

Stafford smoked a cigarette and sauntered back to the ballroom. He passed the group of city men again, and caught a word or two in the baron's gruff voice: "I want to know how we shtand! The plow will shmash him; but the rest of us us who are in de shwim. If de natives have risen " But Stafford paid little heed forgot the words as soon as he had heard them; and went in search of his partner.